Where you seeing those at Clay?Missing 411 is also a good series about people missing in national parks. Also missing 411 the hunted about experienced hunters that disappear
Where you seeing those at Clay?Missing 411 is also a good series about people missing in national parks. Also missing 411 the hunted about experienced hunters that disappear
They are some on Spotify, they are a series of books alsoWhere you seeing those at Clay?
He sure as hell ain’t living the extravagant lifestyle he was before now that he’s in prison for theft in officeI have no clue on what the actually situation was. It could've been all they had to try. I would like to think it was the only option. It aint like the sheriff is living an extravagant lifestyle. Getting paid off by some drug lord.
Actually watched one last night with the wife…. Kids coming up missing in or around national parks. But I saw this and added it too one I wanted too see as well….J here is one to get you started.
280 Dave Paulides - Missing 411 The Hunted - Missing Hunters, the Unexplained - The Movie
Deer Hunt - Big Buck Registry · Episodeopen.spotify.com
Yep, watched it last night…. The ending part with the California group and whatever it was harassing them and the Lima incident you mentioned, too me was a distractor from the main subject at hand.This one talks about the movie he made and something about a ufo in Lima Ohio and the marching band taking pictures of it at practice.
I watched this documentary on Netflix or Prime. cannot remember which, but it was interesting, and what happened to these people is really strange.J here is one to get you started.
280 Dave Paulides - Missing 411 The Hunted - Missing Hunters, the Unexplained - The Movie
Deer Hunt - Big Buck Registry · Episodeopen.spotify.com
Just a bunch crazy unexplainable BS that went on there!!!Watched the 411 hunted again, makes you think for sure.
I bet we are all freaked out a little next time we go into the woods in the dark alone.Just a bunch crazy unexplainable BS that went on there!!!
Refresh my memory, Kevin. What year was this?I'm watching. The woman deer hunting states it was the 2nd day of the season .. August 29. That doesn't make sense. The season didn't open until a month later.
Was that when they still did the first or second Saturday of October?2010
Yeah, I always enjoyed the the weekend of Columbus Day…. Thats when it came in back in the day…..Yeah, I looked at the dates for that year & it started at the end of Sept. Never in August