Stressless, I hunt my own place and one other private property, but I do not ever leave stands or climbing sticks out all year. Weather and squirrels are just too hard on cables, straps and ropes to leave that stuff out indefinitely. I guess for me this is about safety and the longevity of my equipment. I routinely leave screw-in steps in trees that I intend to use again, though. That works for about three seasons before you have to remove them and re-install before the tree starts to eat them. The way that I prefer to hunt requires lots of very close encounters and close shots, so my ambushes, whether in trees or on the ground are going to make me almost invisible if I'm not moving, so habituating deer to my stands isn't anything I'm concerned about. I'm betting on them never noticing them in the first place Tomorrow I'll be hanging two stands in very productive trees that I left steps in last season. easy-peasy. I'm making at least one new set up tomorrow, maybe two if I'm feeling particularly ambitious. best of luck to you, too.
Thanks, Denny, and good luck to you as well.
Sorry, Jim, no Assaults in the flock.