Nice one, JD!
I know it's last minute, but I finally had time to throw up some treestands yesterday. In total I've got three main sets so far at the carroll county property. One is right on top of a lush food plot, of brassicas, clover, and oats. To my surprise, the deer are already hammering the brassica. It looks like somebody hit it with a lawnmower! The second stand is another evening set... I found a small stand of red and white oaks that are dropping acorns like crazy. I'm extra excited about this spot because damn near every other oak I've seen on the property is completely void of acorns. The attraction of the acorns, along with the general location of this spot, should really make this set a productive one. The third stand I hung at the south end of the property, just up the ridge from the house. This will be a morning or evening set. It's on top of the ridge, where it narrows down, and is a transitional area between doe bedding areas. I had a camera in this spot for the past two weeks, and the does were coming through like clockwork. I'm hoping to stick a nice doe early from this tree, and get some bucks cruising through when we get closer to the rut. All in all, yesterday was a very productive day and I'm more pumped than ever for opening day!