To no surprise Hunter has tagged out. Something about him that won’t let him fail. He will do whatever it takes to get it done and I’m very proud of him.
Yesterday morning was our first hunt on this new CA. We walked it the day before after walking two others and started jumping deer everywhere. Hunter almost got run over twice and could’ve killed while on the ground scouting w his bow. We picked a few trees out and didn’t hunt that evening.
Got in the stand early and took till sunrise snd we all started seeing deer. Layne passed on a 125” 8pt and soon after Hunter had a deer slipping up on him from down wind and wrong side of tree. He’s using a saddle now so he quickly got into position and realized it was a shooter and drew back and released. Happened so quick all he could say was idk it had 3 sticking up on one side. I made him wait two hours snd we all started tracking. Decent blood than started to open up and I could follow two trails of blood. I told Layne that there is two trails of blood and we will find him. Hunter was leading the way and stopped because the blood was not there. I looked to my right and 8 yards away there he laid. Took pics and we took turns dragging the cart 3/4 mile to the truck.
Cleaned him on the road where the truck was parked by a tree line and brought it to a local taxidermy to prep it for a mount and freeze the hide. That evening we got back in the stand seeing does and couple small bucks. Plan was not to shoot does in the evening for obvious reasons.
This morning I had some does running past me w nothing following. Of course Hunter has does on him and makes a fine shot and recovers and carted it out. Cleaned it and went to town to get supplies to cook some backstrap tonight. I moved trees where Hunter told me to go and currently Layne and my self are hunting all day. I will upload video tonight of the doe.