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Stan Potts almost kills his 5th 200"


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm not really impressed with LW much either. He promotes hunting to the youth which is great but can anybody answer this question. Has the guy EVER attempted at anytime during his career, try to harvest any whitetail or any big game species with a weapon other than a high-powered rifle or muzzy? I've seen him knock a few down a couple years ago with a high dollar 45 cal with a scope but does he have limitations or just enjoy hunting success from great distances because the deer can't smell him. Dave Morris is the same, fluted top end bucks that don't even see it coming! Just would like to see them prove they can kill something closer! Hell, shotgun would be nice! Lol
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm not really impressed with LW much either. He promotes hunting to the youth which is great but can anybody answer this question. Has the guy EVER attempted at anytime during his career, try to harvest any whitetail or any big game species with a weapon other than a high-powered rifle or muzzy? I've seen him knock a few down a couple years ago with a high dollar 45 cal with a scope but does he have limitations or just enjoy hunting success from great distances because the deer can't smell him. Dave Morris is the same, fluted top end bucks that don't even see it coming! Just would like to see them prove they can kill something closer! Hell, shotgun would be nice! Lol

He hunts with a TC pistol all the time. And rifle hunting isn't as easy as you'd think. The deer in those states are usually way more skittish than here in Ohio. To put it in perspective. Imagine bowhunting durring Ohio shotgun season. Except thats how the deer are all season. That's rifle hunting in states with season long rifle seasons.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I agree Joe but to a point. Most rifle hunting I've seen is on TV so my ope prolly does carry much value but here it goes. Tower stands with sendaros going for a thousand yards in all 4 directions. Sit and wait for as long as it takes for a trophy caliber buck to cross the sendero or usually walking toward said tower stand and take it down with a long range weapon. When hunts occur along the Milk River bottoms the hunter sits up in the brush on a elevated hillside and takes his pick of the biggest of approx. 40 plus bucks feeding in the bottom. Now it's been awhile since I've seen either of the two hunt on tv but those were set ups I've seen both do in years past. Dave runs his own ranch nowadays I believe and hunts mainly on it. You would know more than I about hunting west of the Miss. and down south cuz I've never been but I would think a highly accurate highdollar rifle with a high dollar scope and a range finder on flat land that is being managed for big buck potential would be a deadly combination to come home with a slobberknocker! Oh, I have nothing at all against rifle hunting for deer or any other big game. I wouldn't mind doing it someday but it has to be easier than coaxing a weary B&C caliber buck to within bow range or shotgun range, wouldn't it? Just sayin'.
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Its not so much about the weapon of choice...rifle..muzzy..bow..That's not the issue for me. The issue is...These guys create it so "SWEET" for the deer that it gives a false sense of security...That's what bothers me. To me..It would be like hunting Black angus cattle..They live in a "Sweet" world having little to no fear...Until one day. The "Sweetness" creates an animal thats not fully aware of his/her surroundings and the dangers that exist. In which makes it easier to hunt.

They hunt animals that have been conditioned to be easier to hunt...and then they turn around and give advice to hunters that are hunting in the exact opposite conditions..ie...Deer that have been hunted from the first day they were dropped on this earth..Deer that are finley tuned to their surroundings and are fully aware of the dangers this world offers. That's the kind of deer i wanna hunt.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
200 acres! Try 10 and 20 acre pieces! The biggest peice of ground I hunt on is 67 acres, and only about 20 acres of it is woods.

Pretty much what I was thinking Gern. Last year I tagged my buck on a 20acre section of a 30-40acre woods. Keep in mind, I had to have permission from 3 property owners just to secure the 20acre on the north end of this woods. Neighbor kids use it for paintball. Neighbor lady walks her dog in there nightly. I hunted it very hard in 2009 only to shoot a button buck with my 44mag on the bonus weekend. I was very blessed to have arrowed the buck I did in there.

I did pick up 2 very nice properties last year though. One is 70-75acre, the other consists of 2 properties totaling 135acre. Of these two properties, the majority of it is ag fields. There are challenges any way you hunt/anywhere you hunt. I see what you are saying Mountaineer. Believe me though, private land under these conditions is a challenge in itself. The ranches you are referring to with the celebs are nothing like what most of us average Joe hunters face.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Personally i think those big woods WNF public land bucks are way less pressured than these Private land fence row agricultural land bucks.


Senior Member
Im with chad on this one. 60 acre farms are the same thing I hunt. The deer I am hunting are also being hunted by many other people. In the last 3 years i Have had people moving in on me like crazy. Line hunting and following me around to see where I hunt and what I am doing. Every buck I have ever killed has been hunted by many other people. Last years buck was being hunted by an outfitter up the road from me. HE was irrate when he found out I killed him, but guess what...right place....right time. Its impossible around me to have a deer stay on a property its whole life. Which as chad stated, means it is going to get hunted. Some deer I hunt are not killable, for me atleast. BEcause the land that they move to in the fall and winter isnt able to be hunted or is wrapped up by someone else. Its tough. Thats why it is so special to find a mature buck and kill it.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Im with chad on this one. 60 acre farms are the same thing I hunt. The deer I am hunting are also being hunted by many other people. In the last 3 years i Have had people moving in on me like crazy. Line hunting and following me around to see where I hunt and what I am doing. Every buck I have ever killed has been hunted by many other people. Last years buck was being hunted by an outfitter up the road from me. HE was irrate when he found out I killed him, but guess what...right place....right time. Its impossible around me to have a deer stay on a property its whole life. Which as chad stated, means it is going to get hunted. Some deer I hunt are not killable, for me atleast. BEcause the land that they move to in the fall and winter isnt able to be hunted or is wrapped up by someone else. Its tough. Thats why it is so special to find a mature buck and kill it.
B-I-N-G-O! We have a BINGO! Well stated Zach! The last few lines ring true to many of us!