Dude was in his own yard...
I freakin failed...Story of my life
Scott Light on TikTok
😢😢#304gang #almostheavenwv #opcoutdoors #outdoorlife #wildwonderfulwv #keepyourheadup #bowhunter #archerylife #archeryhunting #hoytarchery #getemnexttimewww.tiktok.com
We have a remote control airplane club that leases part of the farm that surrounds us. Always wondered if that’s happened before. They have some big gatherings throughout the year. We’ll see a few remnants of their mistakes in the trees on occasion. They don’t last long there, they’re fairly lucrative too return too the owner. Most have a finders fee around $25-$50When you get hit by lightning ....
I had a teacher that was big into RC planes, he said you have to carry insurance if you attend most of these eventsWhen you get hit by lightning ....
When they lighting that bad boy?And now, a pallet shortage ...lol
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