Ive heard this term used on here a few times. Someone please share the details? What am I missing???
Wow. More stuff I want. My man thinks its funny i want to shop.....at The Fin. Not at the mall. Seems simple enough, smoke. Next thing to try snce Im a scent control freak. My Dirt smelling showers leave my hair wet and takes to long to dry and going out wet is not an option when its cold either. Thanks.
Wow. More stuff I want. My man thinks its funny i want to shop.....at The Fin. Not at the mall. Seems simple enough, smoke. Next thing to try snce Im a scent control freak. My Dirt smelling showers leave my hair wet and takes to long to dry and going out wet is not an option when its cold either. Thanks.
We use Hunters Specialties soap, shampoo, and conditioner. She complains about it being hard on her hair, but I tell her tough luck!
Missing the Herbel Essence?
I smoke cigarrettes too and try to avoid doing so in my hunting clothes and never in the stand or blind but last year I smoked in the stand out of pissed off boredom and finally shot that doe so now Im wondering if I should smoke in the blind after all?????
oh and heres another - I wash my towels with my hunting clothes so I don't dry myself off with fabric softener towels. I even washed the sheets on my bed with it one trip because I knew I couldn't shower in the am due to the extreme cold. I have a special "scrunchie" just for hunting soap in the shower. I always spray the soles of my boots before I walk in or I smash apples with them. I eat and apple or granola snack or carrots in the stand for long sits and breath control? If Im going out back I walk through horse shit on the way.
I have a special "scrunchie" just for hunting soap in the shower.
...and you should see his slippers too.
Their Crocs! And they are Max 4 camo damnit!!! LOL!