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Smoked up hunting clothes??


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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yep.. Many of us coat ourselves and our hunting close in generous puffs of hardwood smoke. It works to not only kill bacteria due to the compounds found in smoke, but to also confuse a deers sense of smell with a smell that is pretty normal to them... To do this more efficiently we use the product above.. Which is really just a bee smoker.
It's when that buck pissed you off one last time.........you throw your hunting clothes into the fire!!

Juust kidding! Its using smoke from a bee smoker or even a bonfire to help cover up your human scent. The bee smoker or Scent Smoker from BEC is a way to concentrate that smoke in a way that allows you to cover your clothing, equipment and even your body with smoke. It also allows you to do it quickly so you don't have to build a bonfire, put it out and hope it's out while hunting. I can honestly say I have 100% confidence in doing this and being able to get away with deer going by without hightailing it out of the county. Could never say that with the carbon clothing I bought over the years!! In fact I have a great Scent Blocker suit that I have smoked up for the last 2 seasons now!


central Ohio
Wow. More stuff I want. My man thinks its funny i want to shop.....at The Fin. Not at the mall. Seems simple enough, smoke. Next thing to try snce Im a scent control freak. My Dirt smelling showers leave my hair wet and takes to long to dry and going out wet is not an option when its cold either. Thanks.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Wow. More stuff I want. My man thinks its funny i want to shop.....at The Fin. Not at the mall. Seems simple enough, smoke. Next thing to try snce Im a scent control freak. My Dirt smelling showers leave my hair wet and takes to long to dry and going out wet is not an option when its cold either. Thanks.

You will like the smoker then. It is nice and worm on those cold morning hunts.

I can say that I trust the smoke cover. I had a doe and fawn downwind of me last year. I seen her raise her nose and take a couple of wiffs of the air and proceeded to start eating the leftover corn that was just cut from the field. The buck I shot yesterday smelled something but instead of smelling human scent that was overpowering he only smelled a small portion of that and the rest was the smoke cover scent. He walked to 7 yards of my stand and was hitting the mineral site when I shot him.


Staff member
Wow. More stuff I want. My man thinks its funny i want to shop.....at The Fin. Not at the mall. Seems simple enough, smoke. Next thing to try snce Im a scent control freak. My Dirt smelling showers leave my hair wet and takes to long to dry and going out wet is not an option when its cold either. Thanks.

The most important thing when using smoke IMO is to continue trying to be as scent free as possible. It seems like a contradiction, but the two processes actually mesh together very well. I used to be an anti-smoker. Meaning I felt like using it was a nonsense idea. Over time, I have been converted based on the things close friends were seeing, and what I began to experience myself. Throughout the whole conversion, I continued to shower prior to each hunt; I kept my hunting clothes as scent free as possible; and I continued to hunt the wind to the best of my ability. By staying as clean of foreign odors as possible, I am allowing the smoke to be infinitely more effective. The smoke is used to cover up the "mistakes" and it is amazing how effective the entire process can be. My hunting clothes are stored in a giant Stanley Mobile Job box that I store in a Rubbermaid closet in my garage. I used both as "smoke houses". There is a hole near the top of the box that allows me to fill it with smoke, then I cover up the hole with tape. That box now has an amazing "cure" of hickory smoke inside it and it works to keep my clothes "fresh" all the time. The inside of the closet has a shelf and rod for hanging clothes. I will hang clothes and sit my hunting items on the shelf (i.e. rangefinder, release, hats, packs, etc.), then set the smoker on a piece of ceramic tile and shut the doors for a few minutes. I do the same to the inside of my truck. (Be sure to invest in a propane torch if you get a smoker, as it makes lighting the smoker much easier.) Smoke has become the single most effective tactic I have tried in my 10+ years of bowhunting. Deer will still smell you, but they rarely (and in my case, never in four years) put two and two together. Smoke is a common smell for deer in my area, so getting a nose full of hickory smoke that might have the ever faintest whiff of human in it, is not something that alarms the deer I hunt. To each his (her ;) ) own, but it is something thing I believe every hunter should try at least once or twice.

As for your hair, my wife takes the same scent free precautions I do when we hunt together and smoking her hair is part of the process. We'll get the smoker going, then she'll take a deep breath and hang her hair of the stream of smoke until she has to come up for air! LOL! We were in a blind last night and had deer downwind of us with no issues. We use Hunters Specialties soap, shampoo, and conditioner. She complains about it being hard on her hair, but I tell her tough luck! :smiley_crocodile:

Good luck if you give this a try. It can be done by simply starting a fire out back and smoking your clothes that way. But having a smoker is a great way to simplify the process, as well as concentrate the smoke...
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central Ohio
I had a button buck come up and literally touch the crossbow in my lap with his nose once. Awsome expirience. I so wanted to just say "Boo!" at him but there was a field full of deer with him. I know the stuff his hard on our hair and skin but I use the dead down wind LOTION to help with the dryskin itchies in the stand. The dead down wind made some stuff for women but it just didnt sell fast enough so its hard to find and stupid expensive. Conditioner for your hair is worthless. they did have a hair gel that was a great help. Not for vanitys sake but for keeping the stringies and locks out of my damn face while hunting after the hunting soap has totally dried you out. But its almost gone and I cant find it anymore. Ive taken to using the LOTION (which smell like rotting vegetation i might add) and plastering my hair down with a little of that. Not very sexy Im sure but who cares out there. The smoke Idea sounds great to me - love it when my clothes smell like campfire anyways, lol. I smoke cigarrettes too and try to avoid doing so in my hunting clothes and never in the stand or blind but last year I smoked in the stand out of pissed off boredom and finally shot that doe so now Im wondering if I should smoke in the blind after all?????


Staff member
I smoke cigarrettes too and try to avoid doing so in my hunting clothes and never in the stand or blind but last year I smoked in the stand out of pissed off boredom and finally shot that doe so now Im wondering if I should smoke in the blind after all?????

I try to as little as possible, but I know people who do all the time and never see any adverse effects. I am not smoking at all in the stand this year because it's one more variable I need to remove, but I never did see any issues with it. I kept my butts in a Ziplock bag. I'm sticking to the chaw this year, and I know deer don't mind that smell!!!


central Ohio
oh and heres another - I wash my towels with my hunting clothes so I don't dry myself off with fabric softener towels. I even washed the sheets on my bed with it one trip because I knew I couldn't shower in the am due to the extreme cold. I have a special "scrunchie" just for hunting soap in the shower. I always spray the soles of my boots before I walk in or I smash apples with them. I eat and apple or granola snack or carrots in the stand for long sits and breath control? If Im going out back I walk through horse shit on the way.
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Staff member
oh and heres another - I wash my towels with my hunting clothes so I don't dry myself off with fabric softener towels. I even washed the sheets on my bed with it one trip because I knew I couldn't shower in the am due to the extreme cold. I have a special "scrunchie" just for hunting soap in the shower. I always spray the soles of my boots before I walk in or I smash apples with them. I eat and apple or granola snack or carrots in the stand for long sits and breath control? If Im going out back I walk through horse shit on the way.

Sounds like you are doing things the right way! I wash all my clothes this time of year in baking soda and keep the towels clean as well. If there is a variable I can remove, you can bet your ass I'm going to eliminate it...