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Weekend No. 2 - October 1st and 2nd...


Staff member
Well fellers, the second weekend is fast approaching and a quick look at the weather tells me some deer are going to hit the dirt this weekend! I'm not a fan of the high winds, but they are switching to the W-NW like I had predicted, so that means tomorrow evenig will mark my first sit on Hippie Ridge!


The plan for me right now is to leave work around 3 tomorrow and head for the house so I can shower and get to the farm by 4. The wind should be fully out of the W at that point, with a general shift to a NW wind throughout the evening. I'm going to head in and hang my stand and hunt if the wind stays true. If for some reason it stays southerly, I'll hang in a different location about 100 yards west of where I want to be. I cannot hunt Saturday night or Sunday morning due to a big party I'm hosting with my uncle this weekend, so I sure hope tomorrow night and Saturday morning prove to be good hunts!!!

What are your plans this weekend?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I hunted last saturday, sunday, and monday evening for my target buck uneventfully.. Monday evening I moved a cam in a good finger, and JD hung two of my other cams in other locations on the property...

Saturday morning I'll hunt an observation stand watching a transition area of beans and corn that meet under some power lines.... Saturday at lunch i'll go check the cams and see what's happening... Depending on what the cams tell me, I'll formulate a strike plan. All I'm doing now is staying out and letting the cams hunt for me.


Senior Member
Winds up to 35 mph where I'll be. I think I'll stay home and clean house (Home open house is Sunday) with the wife = brownie points.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Planning on hunting, but being in the heating industry and our first cold weekend (lows in the 40s) and me being on call, I venture my morning hunt will be cut short. I hope not but it is what it is.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
IF I get the chance to hunt this weekend it will be a Saturday evening hunt. IF I get out there I will be posted up in the north block waiting on some slickheads to wonder by my stand.

I hope I will be helping Dante drag and butcher his deer this weekend. With the pressure off of me this early it is time to get things going for my visitors to the property and keep on the deer so that they can have a good hunt when here. Now I can have some fun the rest of the season :smiley_clap:


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I can only get out Sat morning this weekend. Forecast is 45 feeling like 38 with a north wind @ 15 mph and 50% chance of rain @ 7am.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I will be stuck at home painting 2 bedrooms.......ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

I am going to bust ass tonight through Saturday and I WILL be in a treestand Saturday evening dangit!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My plans are still up in the air at this point. I wasn't thinking too hard about hunting this weekend, because I don't wanna burn through my wife's patience too fast lol... But the cooler temps definitely had it in the back of my mind. However, I've never had much luck hunting in windy conditions. So if it's windy, I'll probably stay home and earn some more wife points.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I am busting azz to do a complete remodel of our main bath. I have the shower/tub done with new tile and the flooring is down. Gotta get the new lighting, vanity, and accesories all hung. Then going to have to prime/paint the room and trim. I will put the crown up later.

Once I have this and a couple other odds and ends done I will have over the top brownie points. Don't really need them but it is nice to accumulate some for ammo later....if I need it. :/


Staff member
Lol... Well if I had a 160" pinned down the way you do, I'd give a shit less what she said too. In your case, the risk is worth it! lmao

Shit son, I could give a shit less regardless of what I am hunting! I know I'm a little different than some because there are no kids to deal with, but I still don't give a shit! If she gets pissed, she'll get over it. But in all honesty, my wife never (and that is no lie) gives me shit about hunting. The only crap I ever get is for constantly watching it on TV. But when the season rolls around, she plays the game and never says a thing about it! Hence the reason we are still married! She knows I'll pull a Joe on her if she pushes her luck!!! rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shit son, I could give a shit less regardless of what I am hunting! I know I'm a little different than some because there are no kids to deal with, but I still don't give a shit! If she gets pissed, she'll get over it. But in all honesty, my wife never (and that is no lie) gives me shit about hunting. The only crap I ever get is for constantly watching it on TV. But when the season rolls around, she plays the game and never says a thing about it! Hence the reason we are still married! She knows I'll pull a Joe on her if she pushes her luck!!! rotflmao

I take it she's aware how serious the Joe maneuver is? lol

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
N NW is no good for me this year the way the crops are laid out. I may venture out if it switches to dead west on Sunday like they say. If not I will be delaying my opening hunt a few days. No more weekends to work until 11-12, so hoping to start hitting it. Not getting in too big of a hurry though with the warm weather, but this cold snap this weekend will have me itching.

May break down and take the mobile setup into a place I don't hunt very often just to get out and get some seat time. Either that or the boat is hitting the lake for some Crappie/Saugeye fishing.

Best of luck to all you guys heading out!
Good luck in the AM each day

I am takeing several boys duck hunting Sat AM and again Sunday AM
And then Sunday around 10 AM we are hunting released pheasants
As our club somehow gets Pheasants Forever to sponcer the hunt

I may hunt Sat and Sunday evening
