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2022 Rut Report. What County? Conditions?


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Haven’t been out but a couple times. scrapes are wide open and have seen more bucks in daylight this past week then since before opener. Think this weekend will be heating up. Guernsey county


Supporting Member
Ross County
If you like seeing a couple of good bucks measure one another up, then check out my latest video that I worked hard to put together just before I headed off to Strouds the other day. It's a good one, every bit of it.

I have yet to hunt this year and I fully expect to harvest a deer during my first sit of the season.

So, the following is from my last TC SD card pull within Fairfield Co, and I have more just like it yet to be shared. I have every intension of sharing all of what I have now that I'm back from deer camp.

Both farms that I hunt mainly today have the same kind of deer activity goin on currently. Nearly all the bucks are doing their annual pre-rut activities on regularly basis now. I am expecting more of the more mature bucks to start showing up regularly over the next couple of weeks. Just make sure you have your audio turned up so you can hear everything that went on too within the video.

Video description:

Just a moment in time captured on camera @theotherfarm. This farm is definitely starting to heat up.

There are plenty more wildlife captured on the last TC pull, on Wednesday, the 19th, which includes multiple Bobcats, a couple of coyotes chasing deer, both day & night, real good deer activity of bucks, does & yearlings included.
I have every intension of sharing most all of the unique and/or excellent quality photography of most all wildlife captured at this location, from off of the last SD card pull. There's a lot of it! This data captured from off of this Trail Camera will most likely be the last set of videos shared to the public from that location for the rest of this year. I'll be most busy out hunting rather soon than trying to maintain them for the rest of the year. I use them mainly to take inventory of what's in the area anyways, so I really don't need them anymore. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed!

More new deer activity captures of mine will be shared soon within my hunt journal.

Good luck to all you folks this season, and have fun!
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Cams came to a screeching with the switch in weather. I'll get a chance to check my static cams on Wednesday, but I don't expect much. The front on Wednesday will definitely help, but then it gets unfavorable again until late next week.
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