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LIVE! From the Stand 2022-2023 Edition


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I think it’s worth mentioning, for the good of the order, that I screwed up with my setup. I really should have known better. I should have expected a deer of that caliber to circle downwind of the decoy… and knowing that, I should have put myself further downwind of the decoy. If I would have been just 20 yards further to my north/northwest, that buck would have been inside bow range when he hit the brakes. That lack of foresight on my part made all the difference in success vs failure. Always something to be learned… oftentimes the hard way.
Still enjoy reading your write ups, goal achieved or not. I'm just hoping to see deer this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang Jim I was typing that up as you were saying the same thing. Lol
I just wish I’d think of this stuff when I’m setting up… and not after the blown opportunity! It’s so cruel it’s funny. No matter how long we hunt these elusive critters, for some people (me, in particular) getting your brain to think like them is still a challenge.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Been set up since a little before 0700, it's a beautiful morning

Bounced two out on my drive in. Smoked myself thoroughly because well for any other hunting i don't care about scent as much.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Yeah, the hat or shirt was less intrusive. The deer weren't on full freak out either. They'd just take another route. Almost always down wind.

I could also control when it was happening better than something like soap.
On this particular set, if I could’ve thought of something more permanent than soap, I would’ve done it. The trail I blocked goes between two houses and there is no way to hunt that spot…so I tried pushing them my way.
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No sightings here yet, really windy on this hillside. I haven't had a single deer come in during shooting light the last week and a half. Might go tomorrow morning and then call it quits until Tuesday unless the weather changes enough to convince me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
One regular 2yr old buck. Yawn. Been in this stand since 639 because it is so tight to bedding. Plus I hadn't sat in it yet this year. Packed a sandwich and a water. That should last me until 930. Hoping as the corn comes off I start to see more does. Can't remember a year with so few does around. This is our second season post EHD. I saw more last year. Really weird. Good luck to anyone out.


Senior Member
Supporting Member

Just had a doe and button buck fed through. About a minute behind them was a little 4-6pt doing tiny grunts as he followed them. I didn't hear any of them walking but heard the grunts which alerted me to his presence.

He completely ignored my grunts so i may hang that up for this sit.

All were right under 40 yards and easy broadside or quartering away shots so the location is good.