Got up this morning w light drizzling rain. Wanted to hunt the public but opted out. Went to the property and seen 15 deer and had a bear walk up to the blind then fixing to get on my atv until I cussed him and he left.
Been a heavy overcast all day and mist in the air. The plan was go on public but thought better of it. So it was sit in a dry tower blind w a whole 15 steps to get in or jump w stand on public and get wet.
Arrived at the property w my road starting to flood over the bayou. Pulled a cam that will go under and drove to my stand. Went put the cam out and walked back to the blind and climbed in. Sat down and I had 2 deer out at 2pm on the turnrow. More deer came and went and heard a stick crack and a doe popped out, looked back and hustled across the lane. 20 seconds later a spike comes out flying across chasing the doe. See deer down the way here and there. A doe stepped out about 230 yards, then another bigger deer and was a heavy tight 8pt. Another deer steps out and I look at him and it’s the g3 buck. Raised my gun out to check him out good and he feeds across w me just seeing his hind quarters. He wasn’t going anywhere, the other deer were feeding. He turns away and feeds away from me. At that point I decided to kill him. Seem like 5 minutes idk and finally he turns and I have a giant case of buck fever. I can’t keep it on him and my heart is in my throat. He turns broadside than a doe steps in front of him. In the midst of all this a big buck crossed between me and him. I try to get on him and he was the floppy 9 or the 10. I don’t get on him so it’s time to shoot the other. He presents me w a shot and boom, all the deer scattered except for my buck. Rack in another round and settled in and squeezed off. He wheels around and runs straight to me then off to not the crp. I don’t feel like I hit him but I’m unsure. It’s 4:30 and I have an hour till dark. I wait hoping he crosses back but doesn’t. Many other deer come out but nothing to shoot. Probably seen 35 or so deer.
Got dark and I walk down to look for tracks and blood. Plenty water on the ground. Walk down and found where one bullet hit the ground and I back track for sign. Nothing half way back so and look on the edge for any sign. Get to the back and cross the ditch and walk back 20 yards into the crp. Nothing found, I’m bummed and upset.