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Gripe thread - pink crap!


central Ohio
Ok so Its nice to have things designed in this industry for women BUT, here is my beef. I wont buy PINK arrows or anything I wear hunting or use with PINK or NEON GREEN or any other bright color on it. THINK ladies (and men sometimes with the green). I even colored the red tip on my stabilizer to black. I cover anything on my bows that shine in the sun. I dont know about Yall but I hunt where Turkey are so close I can spit on them. Turkeys are great confidence decoys for deer and if they spook the deer will spook and Ive seen them run away WITH the birds. TURKEYS CAN SEE COLOR and although pretty mentally challenged they can see much better, period, than deer. So dont try to sell me a Pink Lanyard, a pink wrist strap and definantly no pink arrows - hell I even hate bright fletchings but thats another story. If I buy camo with colors on it its NOT for the feild. I want to open a hunting store that relates to REAL hunting and includes things for women that make sense. I dont sit in a blind all the time, I spot and stalk, I treestand ect. Im not sure some women deer hunters understand how you need to avoid spooking the Turkeys while deer hunting. Ok there Im done bitching now, lol.


Tatonka guide.
The women's pants make my butt look big. the pink doesn't help either:smiley_blackeye:


Removed by Request.
I like bright fletchings. In fact, I fletch my arrows with pink. It helps me to see my arrow from 20ft up. It's all about preference though.

PS. You sound like a pistol - I like that about you. :)


Senior Member
I agree with you about bright colors and fletching. We had one stand location where is was at the top of hill along the edge of a field. The birds would roost about 25 yards behind the stand. We think someone had been hunting out of the stand when we were not there. My dad and I both saw turkeys come up the hill, walk to where they could see the front of our tree, and peek around from behind a tree, looking up to see if we were in the tree! We got busted several times by them, until we started covering our fletching on the arrows in our quivers with camo material. The birds would get a little spooky still, but not freak out when they saw our bright orange and green fletching. Almost all of my fletching is white now.


Senior Member
Jesse has no problems with pink and he's our own forum co-owner.


  • Pink camo Crocs.jpg
    Pink camo Crocs.jpg
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Just messin with you....it's good to see a chick that can fit in with a bunch of dudes on a hunting site....we need more gals like you!


Senior Member
Just messin with you....it's good to see a chick that can fit in with a bunch of dudes on a hunting site....we need more gals like you!

I concur. My wife won't talk to me about hunting and fishing. Sometimes I need to share my feelings. :smiley_crocodile: