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Finally ....


Supporting Member
Ross County
Gee-wize, I hope that you are joking? I know you have a good sense of humor, and I don't know how to take you last post, seriously or not?

But, all joking aside for me, I ask that you please accept my deepest apologizes, kindly please. I'm truly sorry for spooning out some of my thoughts earlier, and some of my experiences on your thread. I'm sorry Kevin!

If you couldn't tell already, I'm a tad bit passionate about predators, and didn't mean to get carried away on your thread. I'm very, very sorry, times infinity!!!

If there's an impression that I overstepped, or got to personal in my question, then once again, please accept my apologizes, I'm so sorry, and truly hope that you will forgive me for being an idiot!

Truth be told, I do have difficultly at times in shutting up, or keeping to myself sometimes lately, and perhaps that because I am getting older too, IDK really honestly as to why,,, and I'm NOT trying to make up any excuses either. I'm a responsible person, and I will own it if I really messed up.

FYI - I am NOT pleased to see the population of Bobcats on the rise in areas I spend much of my time nowadays, and can be far more specific regarding my reasonings as to why, if that's required.

What matters most right now though Kevin, at least for me, is the that you understand that I truly do like you, just the way you are too, and hope that I didn't offend you in anyway, BUT IF I DID, then I am more than willing to make things right once again between us, if at all possible, no matter what is required, just let me know, and I'll make it happen, thank you!

I wish you nothing but best in life, as always!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member


Supporting Member
Ross County
It's fukin beyond weird....

How's that? I don't understand.

My not wanting to upset someone that I care about is now considered to be weird by some of you, then I'm totally cool with that. If you feel the need to make something more of it than what it actually is imo, by all means, knock yourself out on my behalf then. I expect it.

I've moved passed it already, just so you know, thanks!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Question is do you honestly think a rant like that is normal?
Much of it was assumed...
IDK, I suppose it would be how a person would understand the meaning or intent. I didn't think it was ranting per say, but if that is the case, then I apologize again. I did not mean to come across as complaining necessarily. I asked a couple of honest to goodness questions that I did not know exactly the answers to, and I also admit now, that I might have allowed myself to get too carried away in trying to explain perhaps of where I was coming from. Never meant any harm to anyone, especially Kevin!

At this time, I hope that we can move on, and hope that even you can cut me a break, I'd appreciate it, thanks!
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