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Your second choice?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ric.... You would pay the ULTIMATE PRICE ???
Tell us your not surrendering your bourbon collection !!!!!

Nothing better than the GOOD OLE USA.... Just gotta get the country back on track... First step is bring back "OLD SPARKY". . AND USE IT....
I’ll need my bourbon to keep me numb to what’s going on.
If we all get together and hole up together I’ve got us covered for a little while.
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Active Member
Athens County
The left are taking hold of everything (media, education, Hollywood, social media, corporations, FBI, ATF, DOJ) and it's only a matter of time before they pack the court taking the Supreme Court. Next it'll be stacking the deck making DC and Puerto Rico states, then abolishing the electoral college. They don't want a two party system. They want total control. It'll be reparations and removing the 2nd amendment after all that. The writing is on the wall. That's the tipping point for me. Its just me and the wife and nothing holding me back from leaving that scenario.


Senior Member
Or you could stay and add to the collective voice that will not stand for all of that. I have lived my entire life as as a free person. I have been my own boss, beholden to no one for over 30 years. I’ll happily die here trying to make sure that my children and grandchildren have the same opportunity.

You, sir are defeated. I hope the grass is greener for you elsewhere.


Active Member
Athens County
Or you could stay and add to the collective voice that will not stand for all of that. I have lived my entire life as as a free person. I have been my own boss, beholden to no one for over 30 years. I’ll happily die here trying to make sure that my children and grandchildren have the same opportunity.

You, sir are defeated. I hope the grass is greener for you elsewhere.
Oh I haven’t left yet my friend. But if and when you wake up and this country is a socialist banana republic where you’re fined for saying transgenderism is a mental disorder, I’ll be long gone.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You know what always brings a country together? Unites the people? War
You mean "what used to unite the people". I've never seen our country more united than the days and weeks following Sept 11. As the unity faded away and we spent 20yrs at war. . . People seem to have forgotten what it feels like to stand united. To be honest with myself, we have had another generation join the country in that time period. They are being indoctrinated at an alarming rate.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Patriotism is a funny thing. There are plenty of countries in this world that people are born into which they feel deeply patriotic about. Pre-WWII Japan comes to mind as being staunchly patriotic. With that said I think America made the list of happiest countries in the world at number 16 this year. Most of the top countries were nordic ones, Iceland, sweeten, Norway, etc. Likely because there's hardly any diversity, so they're all on the same page and culturally the same.

As for ex-pats. Most go to Belize, Venezuela, Brazil etc. But we met some ex-pats in Roatan. One things for sure, none of them regretted their decision. I mean, what's to regret really? Living like a king in a tropical beach area where the cost of living is pennies compared to here. The only downside they mentioned was having to fly back to the states for medical care for anything beyond your typical stuff such as heart doctors etc.

Most ex-pat countries require an income stream that meets a certain threshold. It can be from retirement funds, rentals etc. If there isn't an income stream the cash accounts have to be pretty substantial. They want to make sure that the ex-pats aren't just a bunch of surfer beach bums. Roatan requires 1,500 a month in guaranteed funds. Pension, Social security, 401k payout. And you can live quite well on about 2k a month. Belize requires about 2k per month or a lump sum of 24k per year deposited into a local bank. You can spend it, but they want it in the country.

Or you could just move somewhere in the US all that woke bullshit and politics don't matter. Around here my elected officials are red from the governor down to my clerk of courts, if stuff pops off it's not gonna take much to do a little housekeeping.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Belize is a warlord or two away from being Somalia, in my opinion. No.. I'm not going to tuck my tail, run off and hide when things get bad here. If those fuckers want my stuff they can come and take it.

I will retreat to a red state where my views are still valued and live out my life in a nice cabin the woods. As others have said, I won't go look for trouble but if it finds me I will fight until I can't anymore.

My opinion is that the country won't maintain integrity. It will break up like the Baltic states did following the collapse of the Soviet Union. When that happens you'll have several other countries to choose from.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The only issue I see with "run off to a remote area to live" is the influx of people you may see. I suspect we should have a property and living quarters prior to a turn of events. Locals don't take kindly if you aren't already there.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Belize is a warlord or two away from being Somalia, in my opinion.

Most of those cheap-to-live-in countries are. Venezuela is pretty much there, Roatan while part of Honduras is isolated from the mainland by being about 30 miles offshore. The difference is the ex-pat areas are usually well protected and insulated as the government (no matter whose in office) unilaterally understands the ex-pats impact on the local economy and country. Locals are likely to get in more trouble for cussing at you than murdering their neighbor. 😅. Think of it as living in the Martha's vineyard of Belize or Venezuela. If shit pops off they'll all be gone in a heartbeat, off to the next paradise, just like those shitbags in Martha's vineyard. The average salary in Roatan is $280 USD per month. And you'll be spending about 1,500-2000 per month. To them, you're not quite Donald Trump, but still solidly in the very rich guy range.
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Dignitary Member
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Funny story. When my wife and I were in Roatan for our honeymoon we wanted to go to this art sculpture place ran by a Greek ex-pat who had lived there for probably 40 years. We hopped a cab outside the resort and drove around. Due to the language barrier, the cab driver had no idea where to take us. But by God he wasn't going to skip taking this fare. We didn't mind, it was an adventure and kind of a tour of the island. Unlike here in the state's if the cab has empty seats and someone needs a ride they'll pick them up. This guy drove us around for probably 30 minutes picking up random people and dropping them off along the way. We stopped numerous times while he tried to get someone to translate. Eventually, we found someone and they told him where it was. Off we went back across the island. Which is only 5 miles wide by about 30 miles long. When we got to the place I asked the cab driver how much. He pointed to the screen which said "20" and said Viente which I knew to be 20. we'd been in this cab for 30 minutes and zoomed all over the island so I figured that was about right and handed him 20 bucks. He hesitated for a split second, jumped out of the cab, opened my wife's door, walked us up to the place, and motioned that he would be here waiting for us. Not knowing how long we'd be I said no no thank you though and motioned that he didn't have to do that. We were in there for probably 2 hours as the artist gave us a private showing and we bought some pieces. As we walked out there he was waiting for us and opened the cab doors for us. I was telling the bar girl at the resort about it later and she was laughing. The fare was 20 limpars. The exchange rate is 20 to 1, so the cab fare was really a single US dollar and I handed this guy a 20. To him the fucking Kardashians were in town. 😅.


Active Member
Athens County
Belize is a warlord or two away from being Somalia, in my opinion. No.. I'm not going to tuck my tail, run off and hide when things get bad here. If those fuckers want my stuff they can come and take it.

I will retreat to a red state where my views are still valued and live out my life in a nice cabin the woods. As others have said, I won't go look for trouble but if it finds me I will fight until I can't anymore.

My opinion is that the country won't maintain integrity. It will break up like the Baltic states did following the collapse of the Soviet Union. When that happens you'll have several other countries to choose from.
That's what I'm thinking will happen. It's already slowly going this way. We're moving to Arkansas in 6 years when I retire. People will gravitate to environments that they agree with. It used to be pretty much anywhere in America you could find common ground or at least people tolerated differing opinions. Not anymore. Marjorie T Green is calling for a "divorce" of the nation into red and blue states. I could get behind that if terms and conditions were right.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
So, is Ohio gonna be a red or a blue state?

An arduous battle of attrition with no definitive winner marked by large-scale starvation, homelessness and perpetual violence. There is no amicable divorce solution for Ohio. Too large of a politically diverse population with rural populations flanked everywhere by heavily populated cities. Even outside the cities the left has taken a strong foothold in rural and suburban populations to where people have no clear way to know who the enemy actually is. Drive through any neighborhood or even rural area around election time and notice how everyone is mixed politically. As a result, it turns into an every-man-for-himself situation until pockets of similar minded people begin to form. Eventually, the cities become Leningrad, mass starvation ensues, other cities break out and run rampant like Sherman on his match to the sea. Most of the US will be settled and in the process of rebuilding and living in the new normal, Ohio will rage on for year's as the Somme of the war.


Active Member
Keene, OH
Started with... Never ever thought I'd see the day a where a Marine initiated a retreat. ...but then he's just bitching, it all goes off the rails when the bitching stops .

I think the "world population" will self correct prior to the 3 or 4 decades being tossed around. Based on the genetic laboratory shenanigans and 8 billion breathing, eating, shitting genomes walking around in our earthly chicken coup for humans.

Depending on how you are mind set - you're lucky if you go early or lucky if deaths wide scythe just nicks you and you get to sit on a freeway afterward at mid-day and see no cars... for a month.

My dad's generation, "from the Outhouse to the Clubhouse" saw the time to Wow shrink from years to months. They adjusted and dealt with it, as will the vast majority of Americans.... the ones that are armed, trained and still hold our constitutional values as core beliefs will generally fair better if they're here to lend a hand making it better with me if I'm alive.