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Smart watches


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
This seems to have come up in multiple places and has gained interest from different angles. One being from myself. I decided I wanted one to help me figure out my health. So far it has really made me concerned. But I'm not sure I should be, lol.

I know @5Cent has the Garmin 2 and so does @bowhunter1023

How bad are some of these things or am I on a wrong setting? Stress seems outrageous

And it said I reached my weekly intensity minutes goal in one day...how is that possible? I sat in a truck most of the day.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
BTW, this is for all things related to smart watches. I was pretty shocked this weekend to hear some of you say the things you did. I learned alot.


Staff member
I had an intense day at work, seriously. My brain was engaged from 8A-8P churning our results, plus getting a few chores done. I don't think I'm a fair companion. At one point today, my heart rate was 48 and my resting heart rate is 52. If you're HR runs high, it's logging that as stress, so there are things I can do that won't register as stress that would with your HR.


Even on intense physical days, I'm recovering well.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I had an intense day at work, seriously. My brain was engaged from 8A-8P churning our results, plus getting a few chores done. I don't think I'm a fair companion. At one point today, my heart rate was 48 and my resting heart rate is 52. If you're HR runs high, it's logging that as stress, so there are things I can do that won't register as stress that would with your HR.

View attachment 181551

Even on intense physical days, I'm recovering well.

View attachment 181550
Yeah, my HR has been higher since covid. They said it was because of my lungs. This is also why they have kept me from much physical activity. Doesn't take much to go above 150.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Check your account settings to ensure you have it set for male, your height, weight, etc. If you have alt. heart rate levels due to covid, might be worth discussing with the doctor to establish. You can change the target # of intensity minutes, floors to climb, and bedtime start/finish within the app also.

I'd recommend not looking at the stress data alone. Once you get some data for a few days/week, look at what's creating the stress. Is it heart rate? Is it lack of sleep? Is it a widow maker and beers after a stressful day at work? It's only been a day man, forget about the thing and get some sleep with some no beer days to baseline.

Today was a mix of heavy thinking/time sensitive work, along with physical activity outside mixed in.
