This seems to have come up in multiple places and has gained interest from different angles. One being from myself. I decided I wanted one to help me figure out my health. So far it has really made me concerned. But I'm not sure I should be, lol.
I know @5Cent has the Garmin 2 and so does @bowhunter1023
How bad are some of these things or am I on a wrong setting? Stress seems outrageous
And it said I reached my weekly intensity minutes goal in one is that possible? I sat in a truck most of the day.
I know @5Cent has the Garmin 2 and so does @bowhunter1023
How bad are some of these things or am I on a wrong setting? Stress seems outrageous
And it said I reached my weekly intensity minutes goal in one is that possible? I sat in a truck most of the day.