Yesterday was "Shot a buck, straight on at 54 yards. (Checked his credentials and hear he is a real good shot) Absolutely no blood but might have heard him crash, but not for sure.
After several starts, I finally found a spot of blood, Put Maxx on it and he started down through the woods, 60-70 yds in I see more blood spots on a log....Good! 30 more yds I have a splatter basketball size. From there, the splatters progressed larger until the size of a truck bed! Like 26 spots total! Finally a buck! We spent like 8-10 minutes trying to find a hole.... starting to think this thing is possessed! Take it back to the barn for a better look....
Finally, Dad says "He been fighting" and reaches for his nose/hairline on snout. It opened up and the boy shoved his whole finger in the snout! Arrow went straight up the skull, down the neck and burried in the guts. Never seen a blood trail like this one........ The more blood came out the wilder Maxx Dogg got. Still shaking my head on this one.