Pace yourselves..go at it easy. Don't burn yourselves out by the time things get good. When the time is right, I'm gonna go like hell but until then I'm gonna take it easy.
i'm going this weekend for sure. Sat will be an all dayer between two diff spots, then sunday I will just hunt the evening. I wont be hitting it hard until holloween weekend. I have a 4 day weekend that week and I will be in the stand all day for 4 days.
At about three sat afternoon I asked my buddy if he was still taking his girlfriend out to get her first deer. He said yes so we headed out at 4:30. I told him to go set in the two man stand in the food plot I was going to the aka buck stand. Got in the stand around five. I got set up and was playing around on my phone and he sent me a text and said they are moving already just had a small buck come in it was to far to shot. I figured I better get ready so I got up and started looking around. I seen some movement out of the corner of my eye in the thicket. Couldn't tell what it was yet he came in a little closer and I seen antlers. He came down by the water hole at about 30y and started rubbing on a tree and made a scrap. It is always cool to watch that. He came down to the water and got three drinks of water. Then came on my side of the creek at 15y broad side and was eating acorns. I pulled down on him and let it fly. He went about 50y and fell over no track job here. I took second to calm down I was pumped. Got down and went over to him. When I seen him I didn't know he was that big body wise. He's not the biggest rack I have taken but the biggest body I have taken. I waited on my buddy to get done and we dragged him out wow what a job. Got him back to the shop and hung him on the scale he was 211 field dressed. I was happy with him its only my second buck with a bow. To bad im tagged out already.
No luck for me so far. Shot my first deer (a doe) with my bow Saturday night. Hit too far back so we backed out and decided we would go find her Sunday morning. No such luck. Tracked her and lost her after about 700 yards.