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Hicks Lawn Services truck racing


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Fremont runs a regular v8 truck class. Some of those guys will venture away from Fremont and race the stock car class at other tracks. Doesn't sound like one of our guys.

We do have a 4 cyl that drives to 35 Raceway and run against v6 and V8 trucks. I don't think he has lost yet. 3 or 4 wins there.


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I saw a sky blue S10 circle truck on a trailer around Coshocton this morning. I figured he was going to Phil’s playground.
Good shot I know them or know of them. Not a big community of trucks. There are 5-10 asphalt circle track trucks. Closer to east side of the state. 4-6 that run at 35. He could have been going there. Not sure how many at Fremont because they are basically stock cars and V8 trucks. Decent sized class I hear. Then our class draws mid teens for each race.


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Almost go time. I'm loaded. Biggest night out series has had since their inception. In the words of Al Bundy "Let's rock.".

I don't drink often. Never drink and drive. I have decided I am packing a victory beer every race until I get to partake. Lord knows I'll be talking for hours and it will be well out of my system before I drive home. 🤣


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Not the night I had hoped for. Pill draw had me starting at the tail of the field for the heat race. There were 3 good trucks in front of me and a couple so so trucks as well as a stock motor truck. Got around two. Track was slimy. I was faster than them. Just no real place to pass. The higher up the track the muddier it was. Supposed to be clay. Not a soup hole. Started 7. Finished 5.

Started the feature 10th of 14. Track stayed slimy and then we had a long gap waiting on an ambulance. I switched setup to accommodate for the conditions. The modified B-main ran and the track got weird. The bottom 1/2 was slick as snot but smooth. The top half you needed 4x4 to get thru it. There was even a speed bump sized difference. Like a curb. Seeing the dust flying (nobody could run up high), I decided to switch set up again. I moved thru the field steadily. Passed 5 trucks in the first 8-10 laps. We had no cautions though and I couldn't reel in the top four because I was too busy working my way thru the field. A caution with 4-6 laps to go may have helped me but it was not meant to be. I did earn the "Hard charger" award for passing the most trucks during the race. That paid an extra $100 tonight so it wasn't a total bust.

I guess I would compare it to deer hunting. There are days you kill a monster. There are days you see a monster but can't get him close enough. And there are days you don't see a deer anywhere. I closed the gap tonight but no monster was tagged. I was able to bring the Warriors Way founder with me though and introduce him to a lot of people. Hopefully he made some connections. Got to take care of your sponsors. Although he was also busy in the pits helping. Lol


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I've watched the videos and GoPro footage just about every day since the race. I'm spending the month off kicking my own butt for the poor performance in the heat race. I seriously handicapped myself in that feature.

I will have a few changes to the truck before the end of July double header weekend. I think the most important changes need to take place in my right foot and steering wheel.


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We race Friday at Limaland, Saturday at Waynesfield, and the following Friday is Limaland again. Double header for me. Regular feature and then the King of the Quarter Mile. This is a shoot out of any feature winners. They take the top six in your class. If there are only 2 feature winners they take the four highest drivers in points.

Made major changes again. Suspension changes. Scales the truck again. Moved weight. Added weight. Change some wheel offsets. Currently trying to finish up the new motor which hasn't been fired yet. I have a lot to do in the next two days. 4 races in 8 days. Phwew. That's a slew of racing in a short order. Better make this truck go.


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It's been a week. It was a win to make it to the track, and to have the truck complete the night.

Hot laps I knew the motor wasn't right. Made an adjustment and it ran really strong in the heat race. I really need someone else to draw for me. I keep pulling high numbers and tonight was not different. I started the tail of the heat race and moved up to 4th.

This had me starting 8th in the feature. I was steadily moving thru the field when I see something flying thru the air towards me. Couldn't avoid it. Ran it over. Listened to it thump under the truck. It must have flung back up because they said I lost debris and sent me to the tail. My apologies to the fans if they heard me screaming over the engine noise. I was fuming mad to be sent to the tail for no reason or fault of my own.

11 laps left on the restart from the tail. I drove my way back up to fourth place. Satisfying knowing I probably passed more trucks than anyone since I got to start from the tail partway thru the race. 🤣

Waynesfield Raceway Park tonight.


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Started second in the heat race. Moved to the lead and never looked back. The guy who has won 4 in a row (maybe more but 4 for sure) was on me like a beagle on a rabbit but I kept him chasing. Extremely satisfying heat race win and the first time in 40-45 races I've ever finished in front of him.

They drew a 6 for the inversion. This means I started 6th in the feature. Moved up to 4th. Was battling for 3rd. The truck was running great and handling the best I've had it handled since I've owned it. On lap 9 the guy in 5th hit my left rear and spun me. He never lifted and crunched my left front as well.

The truck was bad fast. I believe it had a true shot at running for the win. Let's just say the GoPro footage capturing "you couldn't get around me so you had to drive thru me?" As I was climbing out of the truck is amusing to me at this point.

Now to see if I can find a spindle. Auto parts stores don't see to stock them.


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Looks like a little retribution may be coming if you ever get the chance! 😂
I'm not that guy. But. . . Everytime he reaches out needing help or needing a part? Figure it out. He called yesterday asking for a clutch disk. At the track Friday he asked if he could use a tire that had better tread than his. The race prior he needed spark plugs. Now he won't need to ask or call. The answer has already been decided. Stock your own parts. I'm not Napa.


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North Central Ohio
Awesome to hear the truck responded well to the changes Phil! It's all going to come together here shortly, can feel it. Sorry to hear of the asshat that used his bumper, hopefully karma catches up at just the right time.