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Food, what are you eating?


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Took longer to get it out of the tin than the clean up lol. Wife was out of town this week for a family medical emergency and asked what I wanted to eat while she was gone. Opened the cupboard and laughed. It wasn't too bad lol.


Dignitary Member
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So, I've been waiting for a week to see my doctor after giving blood for lipid/metabolic panel. My appointment was this morning, and the results were as good as I was expecting. Since I saw her in July expressly for getting my stupid statin prescription renewed, I have lost 14 lbs. My total cholesterol was down again to 144 now. Triglycerides down, LDL down, HDL up. All of these waaay down or up since 18 months ago when I stopped eating a high fiber low fat diet (which doctor strongly suggested at the time) and went full bore on fat, protein, low carb, no sugar. I asked doctor for a compelling reason why I should keep taking statin. Answer, you should stop taking statin for two months and see how your lipid panel looks. :) She also suggested I stop taking one of my blood pressure medications for a couple of weeks and monitor my blood pressure myself. If it stays down, I'm off of one HBP medications, too, so BONUS, but no surprise to me. Ketogenic (sort of) diet, no sugar, and intermittent fasting has had real, desirable consequences for me. Nancy experiencing significant improvements of her own with her digestive health, depression, brain fog, weight loss, greatly improved energy. Fellas, this stuff is very real, very simple and very achievable. At 56 I feel like I'm 30 again, and my blood panel says I am actually markedly healthier now, too. Many of you reading this may not even be 40 yet. I was fine until I hit 50 and fucking wheels came off for me. Change the way you eat today for a better life. Teach your kids the right way to eat.

These are my actual test results from the last 3+years. and they clearly illustrate how egregiously incorrectly we have been told what and how to eat.

I started on statin drug in August of 2022. It is important to point out that I was taking a statin drug for 8 months and my entire lipid panel did not improve much eating the doctors stupid strongly recommended high fiber, lots of grains and vegetables, low fat diet. The exact opposite of how we should be eating. Six months after I started eating like human being should again, between April and October of 2023, something magical happened. Anyone can do this.

Total Cholesterol
View attachment 200862
View attachment 200863
LDL (bad cholesterol)
View attachment 200865
HDL (good cholesterol)
View attachment 200866
View attachment 200867
Truly fantastic news buddy. Nothing better than the proof being in the pudding.
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Dignitary Member
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Day 19 of eating better. I've mostly been concentrating on meats and veggies and avoiding breads, sugar, and processed foods. I've done really well at it, to the point where things like snack cakes have lost all appeal except for psychological. My mind will say I want it, but the thought of eating it seems repulsive.

Have I seen a change? Meh. I have better mental clarity, and my waistline has gotten smaller, but it hasn't helped my rheumatoid arthritis at all. For the last two months, I've been hurting with a flare. Almost crippled. Feet, ankles, shoulders, and hands all in various levels of inflammation and pain. My hands were so stiff I couldn't pick up a coffee pot by the handle or open a jug of milk right out of bed. Mornings were the worst with me basically hobbling around like an 80-year-old man on stumps for feet until I loosed up enough. As the day wore on the stiffness subsided but the pain largely persisted, only to go to sleep and repeat the cycle again.

I saw my rheumatologist last week who added Methotrexate to my Hydroxychloroquine. Not happy about it. But I can't realistically expect 18 days of clean eating to reverse two decades' worth of eating exceptionally crappy highly processed foods. I view it like trying to turn the Titanic with a boat paddle, this is going to take a while to turn a corner, if at all. And if it doesn't, then so be it, at least me and my family will eat healthier.

Interestingly enough the Methotrexate should take 8-12 weeks to show benefit. I took the first dose Thursday night and woke up Friday 90% pain-free, today I'm still largely pain-free. This tells me that my RA still responds extremely well to treatment, meaning it should respond well to other life changes too. I haven't had two good days or even a single good day in months. This is not a medicine I want to be on as I don't care for the mechanics. It's an immunosuppressant that slows cellular division, I don't care how much science we know, we don't know enough to screw with cellular biology. But it's one that is an extremely common script for RA patients with a long history of safety, so in the meantime I'll deal with it. I'll continue on my path of clean eating and someday maybe I'll be able to drop it.

Big H

Senior Member
Might want to add some mineral salt or some sort of electrolytes. Dehydration plays a huge roll in our body.
Jackalope, get rid of everything except water and an electrolyte mix. We use LMNT, I drink 2-3 glasses of it a day. I am only drinking 1, rarely 2 cups of coffee per day. We do have an occasional beer or two, but it is the low 2.6 carb stuff. The first thing I have in the morning is a glass of LMNT. There are a couple other ones we have tried also, Lyte is one. Once you start feeling good, and the inflammation is gone for the most part, you won't even want to take the chance of eating something that is not good for you. Also, eliminate seed oils, (canola, vegetable etc...) we only use coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Butter and Ghee are our go to. I have now added pickles and sauerkraut periodically. When I am making fish, it is typically blackened, or we use crushed pork rinds and then pan fry in coconut oil. We have been asked numerous times when we will stop this WOE, and we both have the same response, NEVER.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Makes sense on the electrolytes. I forgot coffee above. I drink probably 3/4 of a pot of coffee per day. No cream or sugar just black.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Jackalope, get rid of everything except water and an electrolyte mix. We use LMNT, I drink 2-3 glasses of it a day. I am only drinking 1, rarely 2 cups of coffee per day. We do have an occasional beer or two, but it is the low 2.6 carb stuff. The first thing I have in the morning is a glass of LMNT. There are a couple other ones we have tried also, Lyte is one. Once you start feeling good, and the inflammation is gone for the most part, you won't even want to take the chance of eating something that is not good for you. Also, eliminate seed oils, (canola, vegetable etc...) we only use coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Butter and Ghee are our go to. I have now added pickles and sauerkraut periodically. When I am making fish, it is typically blackened, or we use crushed pork rinds and then pan fry in coconut oil. We have been asked numerous times when we will stop this WOE, and we both have the same response, NEVER.

Pretty spot on to what my diet has consisted of the past few weeks, sardines, pork, beef, chicken, fish, shrimp, tuna, salads, turnip, and collard greens, and vegetables except nightshades. Pecans, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, apples, oranges, bananas, etc. The eating cleaner has been very much noticed in my daily clarity and energy. I don't really consider it a diet but just eating better. It's also strange how the things I used to love now hold little appeal like poboy sandwiches, snack cakes, candy, really anything with sugar or carbs.

I did give in yesterday and had two slices of pizza. Prior I would have eaten half of the whole thing. This brings me to another point, this cleaner eating has caused portion control to come naturally. I don't eat until I feel full anymore, but I'm still satisfied. I didn't feel sick or anything from the pizza but it knocked me out. 30 min later I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep in the recliner. 🤣

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had to add some variety today. Instead of steak and eggs, I’m having hamburger and eggs. 😀

Big H

Senior Member
I forgot to mention that I use beef tallow (liquid gold) and bacon grease to cook with more than anything else. I am cooking up some ground deer with tallow right now and we mix it in with our over easy eggs. We both use KerryGold butter in our coffee.
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Big H

Senior Member
Not sure how I forgot to mention beef tallow and bacon grease since I use that more than anything else to cook with. I just made up 2 pounds of deer burger with beef tallow. Take a look at your seasonings and you will be surprised at how many have sugar. I pretty much eliminated all of those TOO.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Sometimes things happen and you end up hungry hungry. That happened and I was standing in a UDF looking for something to hold me over. Found these and I was impressed. So I ate 2 packs of 2, lol.

I got home and ate a pack of these hotdogs. I love them. You can find them at Aldi

Another go-to easy made meal is a couple of burgers. These are from costco and i can't seem to get sick of them.