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  1. S

    Shroom ID Thread

    I'm skeered of eat'n that stuff. Usually I wait till some one else eats some, give it a half hour then dig in!
  2. S

    Pink Ribbon Season

    http://bit.ly/brookville2018walk This is the link, go to search for friend or team and type in Team Colston. Not my intention to ask for donations although I can tell you it's a great group and PRG as an organization is a good steward of the monies they receive. The money does stay local which...
  3. S

    Pink Ribbon Season

    It's not only gettin close to huntin season, for us it's our annual Pink Ribbon Season. My wife is now a 2 time breast cancer survivor. She's winding up her treatment in December. 24 years ago she was diagnosed the first time and this time last year she discovered she had a re-occurrence. Over...
  4. S

    What do you do to prepare

    Its a contraband Romeo........ I know peoples
  5. S

    What do you do to prepare

    I'm shooting and trying not to use up all my good shots before season....so far I'm good cause most of my shots have been bad! I did get my foot trails to a couple set ups cleared of thorns, sticks and branches. Here's a prickture of the equipment I use for "Fat Guy Yoga"
  6. S

    Finally '17 Turkey

    Keep in mind this was spring '17 so I'm goin with my best recollection. I do know it was later in the spring because we were able to stay out all day. I was a little slow gettin out and it was mid morning, so I put on my best sneak to the set up, crawled into the blind and let things settle...
  7. S

    Finally '17 Turkey

    I'll see what I can do here in a bit... My story tellin is nuthin like BR549's but I'll try to craft my words so as to give an accurate account of the event while keepin your attention with my creative wit ;)
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    Finally '17 Turkey

    I did...he was purty stupid as turkeys go. My gun was actin up, had to load/unload 3 times before I could kill em. He was so pissed at my decoy he did pay attention to the fat guy in the blind dickin around with his shot gun. While he tore up my rubber turkey I got my gun loaded an proceeded to...
  9. S

    The Book Thread

    I read a bunch of fiction, everything Lois L'Amour has written, John Sanderson, Baldacci, Lee Child, John Grishom, CJ Box...
  10. S

    The Book Thread

    I I've read all of those 3 and all the Eckert books...Goldratt will get your wheels turning
  11. S

    Finally '17 Turkey

    Finally got him picked up and hung....turned out purty good
  12. S

    Harvest thread/pics

    Nice pricktures Brock .... best I can say is thank baby Jesus that Mason favors his mother!
  13. S

    Brock/Mason 2018-2019

    I like the way you think Brock... I'm in the same shape, I may head down and kick around with the intent to get ready for the season. The most important part of my prep will be to get mentally ready by sittin on the porch with a cigar an bourbon. My mantra has become "try less harder" ;)
  14. S

    Lake Erie Bite

    I'm fortunate to have a great connection up there. I live off the generosity of others ;)
  15. S

    Lake Erie Bite

    It is...
  16. S

    Lake Erie Bite

    Just browsing through the posts, thought I'd share a pic from June "Pay me bitches"
  17. S

    Hard Horn

    Here's a little 9...
  18. S

    Hard Horn

    Seriously, with all the talk about getting ready for the season, what you do to prepare ....etc... this is what gets me excited. Sometimes life gets in the way of what you love to do to relax and get away from the everyday BS but this is like the week before your first prom...you set your hopes...
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    Hard Horn

    Saw a big one in an urban area on Saturday with bloody velvet hangin....things are startin to get real now!
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    Hard Horn

    Seems a week early, but that happened quick.