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  1. S

    36 today

    Happy birthday BR549!
  2. S

    What's your 'Crystal Ball' telling you?

    I'm seeing a few, nothin to get excited about. Seems to be a lot of activity in the woods around us. They have cut a couple drive ways in and it looks like there are gonna be some close neighbors at the cabin. On the other hand I've got permission to hunt some "urbanish" area but can't get in...
  3. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    Thanks for the offer Brock, I may take you up on that if you still have it.
  4. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    I'm with you 100% on getting them something just to get it. He's been hunting with me, sitting in the blind as well as scouting and checking out the woods, filling feeders and checking cams. The kid has been on this for a couple years. There isn't a time that he doesn't want to go to the cabin...
  5. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    Thanks for the comments. I'm still figger'n it out at this point. Not gonna break the bank and I wanna get a slug barrel as well as the field barrel. I kinda want to go with a camo finish as well just cause he'll think it looks cool...hell I think it looks cool ;)
  6. S

    chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc

    I quit about 40 years ago when my son picked up a stick an started imitating me smoking. At the time is substituted dip and did that for a long time. It was a rough one to stay off that Cophenhagen and like Jamie the smell has now become more than offensive. I do however enjoy a cigar with a bit...
  7. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    I guess I'm not really scared and it's not a matter of trust. To be honest I started with a pump so that's the way I was leaning. Can't disagree with using 1 shell at a time if you're trying to concentrate on the shot at hand, pump or auto loader. I appreciate the conversation, I take no...
  8. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    He's a fair size kid at 85#, not Mason size but big for his age. I was really wanting something we could put a slug barrel on and still have a small game gun as well. I'd agree with holding off on the auto loader for a first gun. My personal preference is a Remington over a Mossburg but trying...
  9. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them all.
  10. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    He's a 3rd grader going to be 9 soon. Pretty big kid for his age, but he's still a kid.
  11. S

    Youth Shot Gun

    Looking to get my grandson a shot gun. Looking at the Remington 870 Express compact Jr as well as the Mossburg Super Bantam. The Mossburg has a combo field/deer and I'm sure I can get a slug barrel for the Remington. Any one have either of these? Pros, Cons?
  12. S

    What's in your cup?

    Has anyone else discovered Bib and Tucker Bourbon? It's in a brown bottle with a cork held in by a string. How can you not try that stuff! Good but you can't buy it in Ohio, I get mine in Indiana.
  13. S

    Physical Asset Investments.

    Early days of TOO....can't remember, maybe Joe or Jesse can:rolleyes:
  14. S

    Physical Asset Investments.

    But if you'd have bought Apple early on you could just buy the ice cream stand! That said I don't have individual stocks any more. That drove me crazy, I leave it up to the pros and am a long term sorta guy. You only loose in a down turn if you sell.
  15. S

    Physical Asset Investments.

    Live below your means, save and pay down debt. Have a plan and work the plan for financial freedom. It's a long haul but if you grind it out you can get there. My wife and I have worked and saved for a long time now as we approach retirement, it's a good feeling to know we should be comfortable...
  16. S

    Jorts and a Do-rag

    Well hell Brock not everyone can rock a do-rag, seems they had the fashion sense not to overplay their hand. ;)
  17. S

    Jorts and a Do-rag

    Brock, these are regional norms, perhaps they were or are never outa style in your area. In fact I been there an I can understand your fashion sense geographically speaking. ;):LOL::LOL::LOL:
  18. S

    Jorts and a Do-rag

    Not that fashionable.... more like the black knee highs with the elastic gone, jus piled up on top of the lace up shit kickers ;)
  19. S

    Jorts and a Do-rag

    Could be, he did have an air about him.....
  20. S

    Jorts and a Do-rag

    So this guy is strolling down the sidewalk in front of the house while I was mowing last night. I just had to stop and look this over. Middle aged guy wearing jorts and a do-rag, smokin a CR Buitts home made cigarette with an old faded Fog Hat concert shirt with the sleeves cut off. I'm guessin...