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  1. NAC1989

    Winter Rye Question

    Ok thanks for the info! I'll check the trupointe here but I have a feeling they won't have any. Seems like last time I was in there they didn't have much in the way of seed. I did check out Merit Seed so I may end up ordering through them.
  2. NAC1989

    Winter Rye Question

    Where do you guys get your buckwheat seed? I can only find it online and would prefer to just get it locally if possible.
  3. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    ^That Buckstar said it far better than I could.
  4. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    Time wise you'll spend more time the first year you have them. You'll be learning the first year and will probably be working and inspecting the hive every 2-3 weeks to see how there progressing and to see what there doing. Once you know more about them and whats normal you'll be in the hive...
  5. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    That looks good. I would think it will definitely help them out against the weather.
  6. NAC1989

    Pyros Trail cam Pics

  7. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    That sounds like a good plan on trying to get a swarm from them for next year. That's how I caught one of my swarms this year, I had found a feral hive about 20ft up a tree and hung a swarm trap in a tree about 25 yards from the hive.
  8. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    I didn't intend on having 5 hives this year. I put up 4 swarm traps in the spring hoping to catch 1 or 2 swarms, I thought I wasn't going to catch any since it was getting late in the season for swarms so I ended up ordering a package of bees and a nuc hive, and then 2 days after ordering them I...
  9. NAC1989

    Let's talk Honey Bee?

    I keep bees and in my second year now. I started with 1 hive last year that went queenless and died I now have 5 hives this year. I'm still learning and there's plenty to learn!
  10. NAC1989

    2016 Late Season Buck

    Looks good! Congrats!
  11. NAC1989

    FOR SALE 2014 Hoyt Charger

    Bump. Tired of having this thing sit around $400 OBO.
  12. NAC1989

    Team 7 - The Whitetail Mafia

    He looks damn good Alpha!
  13. NAC1989

    Team 7 - The Whitetail Mafia

    Thanks Blackbeard and congrats too you too! And congrats alphamax that is a stud! I don't know how I missed the post of you harvesting it. And sorry fellas I doubt I'll get my buck back in time to get the measurements for team points, the buddy I have doing the euro mount is behind because his...
  14. NAC1989


    Congrats Joe! Good eatin!
  15. NAC1989

    Buddy's first coyote.

    Congrats to your buddy!
  16. NAC1989

    TripleA88 trail cam pics

    Travelin fugger.
  17. NAC1989

    I. Know. Some. Ting.

  18. NAC1989

    I Know Something!!

    Congrats to the hunter!
  19. NAC1989

    2016 off to a good start!!

    Very nice! Congrats!