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  1. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    Good writeup. Enjoy!
  2. Huckleberry Finn

    gun raffles? are they worth the time?

    Well since you mentioned it, I know of a gun raffle that is for good guns with limited tickets and the balance goes to promote hunting...
  3. Huckleberry Finn

    TOO Projects Thread

    Just need a vise!
  4. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    Jennings, really?
  5. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    I agree but after spending an hour looking at Wiki lists of service pistols, there are probably some high end and common exceptions. Ruger, Kimber, etc. I need a gun for my center console when I'm not carrying but stepping out to get gas or whatever. Nothing fancy.
  6. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    I was lookin for a TOOzer review
  7. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    I got $10 for the first guy that does a bang up, 500 round review on a Sccy. Are they the tits or do they suck?
  8. Huckleberry Finn

    Pocket Pistol Preferences?

    I don't like LCPs be cause my bugger pickers goes past the barrel. Bodyguards are good. Not a fan of new Remington. 380. Interested in the Sccy guns. But...went with a j frame. Yes, get a DeSantis superfly. Slick holsters. Love mine for front pocket or coat inside breast pocket.
  9. Huckleberry Finn

    Groundhogs 2016

    So this is what one does upon retirement! Nice shooting. If you don't mind, what did you give for the Caldwell? How does it attach? It's on the list for the .223, though I still gotta get some glass!
  10. Huckleberry Finn

    Fluorescent vs LED shop lights?

    You should see if your utility is conducting free (or small fee) energy audits. These were big a few years ago and I believe there will be another wave coming. They may be able to show you some things, like the LEDs, if they are worthwhile. There are LED salesmen that should be able to look at...
  11. Huckleberry Finn

    2 row planter?

    Yea, something very similar or that. Like Sam, pumpkins. And as Sam said, ground needs to be fine.
  12. Huckleberry Finn

    2 row planter?

  13. Huckleberry Finn

    Why I hate Fishing in Ohio

    It's refreshing to see you chuckleheads argue about a new topic. I figure we are probably better off that some but behind others. Got to be better than Indiana, right?
  14. Huckleberry Finn

    TOO Projects Thread

    Looks fantastic. Big undertaking. Nothing like working with your dad!
  15. Huckleberry Finn

    TOO Projects Thread

    Dang now that's a project!
  16. Huckleberry Finn

    2 row planter?

    Bought my first shotgun from money earned standing on the back of a JD planter going down rows, making sure the plates and seeds worked. We used to switch plates every couple rows of sweet corn to accomodate different varieties and maturity dates. Miss those warm spring nights.
  17. Huckleberry Finn

    Primos Ground Blinds

    Do you still carry Barrnots? How have they held up?
  18. Huckleberry Finn

    Primos Ground Blinds

    I've seen some deals on Primos ground blinds, specifically "The Club XL". Size looks right. Natchez has for $110 but then I just saw it at Woodbury Outfitters for $70 (plus $15 shipping). It looks like Cabela's used to sell them and the reviews are subpar. Anyone have any experience with...