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TOO Projects Thread


Staff member
Finished up the run today, now it's time to start on the coop itself. Heading in town to round up materials to kick it off tomorrow. I need to get it finished so I can build my kid a swing set. This early spring put a cramp on me!

Had to cut down our main shade tree last spring and his has been an eye sore since. I was going to rent a stump grinder and never did. Dad is renting on this weekend, so I decided to pitch in some labor in exchange for stopping by my place on the way back to the rental depot. Had to get it ready...




Staff member
Got my hands full at the moment, but having fun! I put about 10 hours in to my garage last week getting it ready for the remodel. We purged a lot of stuff, now it's time to put it back together! Here's a couple of before pics. The outside wall (left) will be open and the interior wall (right) will have some custom shelves.

This will be my "workshop" portion. Outside wall (right) will have shelves and my Rubbermaid tote where I keep my hunting gear. Back wall will have workbench and storage. Interior wall (left) will have room for clothes, my chest freezer, tool cabinet and work bench. Plenty of storage back here too. Running some new electric for outlets and lights as well. I plan to paint the exterior walls and replace the window. This is my bad weather project.

Got the posts set for the chicken coop tonight. Tomorrow I'll frame the floor and put the decking on.



Staff member
I changed up my design a little and it left me short on lumber. Thankfully I ran out when I had to quit anyways. I'll grab the decking to finish when I pick up stuff for the walls. Right on budget and only 1/2" out of square. LOL

Also made progress on the garage this morning. Good day for a fire, so I burnt some brush, boxes and scrap lumber while it was chilly. Nice 8 hour day outside. Winding down now with a beer, then dinner for my FIL's birthday. Solid day for the to-do list!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Nice stuff Jesse.

Been working on quite a project myself. I have pics but for whatever reason I can't upload any pics through TAPATALK. [emoji35]

I had a large concrete slab attached to the back of my house. It essentially coveted the little room that houses the well casing. This slab cracked and was allowing rain to come in whenever it rained. Pat's of this slab was 12" thick. Got it all jack hammered and now just need to build the frame to be able to pour a new slab to seal the room.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country

Hers the slab in its entirety. You can see how this has been a isore on the back of the house. I don't understand why they made it so wide. It only needed to be a little over 4' to cover the well room, but I guess they had some extra concrete that day. Unsure if it had rebar in it or not, I drilled 1" holes every foot to try and make it easier to break up.

After a evening of Jack hammering I got a large portion of it removed.

The next step was to figure out how to get the rest off without the whole lid collapsing in on the well casing and costing me a whole new well. 4x4s and Jack stands where my friend. With the cracks that where in it I could see where there was basically 4 separate pieces in the one. With the floor jacks I was able to push one piece at a time to the point of being able to man handle it or to get a chain around it and pull it with the Jeep.

So she is tarped now and I need to build the frame for the new slab.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, that's a lot of cement for just a cover.... Glad too see you got it removed without costing anything more than labor.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks like you were busy Steve! Be sure to leave yourself a nice access to that well when you pour the new top.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
That was a lot of concrete for what needed to be covered. I have no clue what they where doing. The part of the slab that covered the well casing room was 6" thick. The part that had nothing to do with the well casing room was half of the whole slab and was 12" thick!

That was ultimately it's demise. The ground under the 12" side has slowly been settling, and that is what was causing the crack over too of the well casing room.

Now if I could just get the weather to cooperate, [emoji35] woke up this morning and the tarp was about ready to fall in the hole with about 10 gallon of water from the rain we got last night.