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  1. nis1

    Eric Church

    Gary Allan is a pompous a$$hole, just sayin. I know people that have worked for his stage crew and he thinks he's gods gift to the world.
  2. nis1

    TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

    It's 80% diet guys. You can train every day for a year but if you eat crap you aren't gonna see your body change much. Good luck and stick with it!!
  3. nis1

    Who's still got a buck tag?!?!?!?!

    I do. And not even because I'm overly selective, just cause this season sucks. I've hunted since I was 12 and this is the worst season ive ever had.
  4. nis1


    I don't think my ex cheated on me but she pulled the same bs. I think it's our generations way of saying they like you but they want to go ho around. It's messed up, but hey, everything happens for a reason!
  5. nis1

    So, how would you fix it?

    You make a good point. A lot of people are just a-holes in general. I'm in NE Ohio and the majority of public lands around me aren't very large (40-500 acres) so I was thinking more about it being an issue on smaller tracts of land.
  6. nis1

    So, how would you fix it?

    I agree that people can put in quality drives, I'm just against them on public lands. I've never hunted gun season on public but I've read a million posts about people putting on massive drives with no respect for others and that's my issue. Granted drivers sometimes run deer to people on stand...
  7. nis1

    So, how would you fix it?

    2 deer limit with possible antler restrictions. Bring back antlerless urban tags since the city is the only place holding deer. No deer drives on public land
  8. nis1

    2013 Opening Day Harvest Stats

    There's only a 3% difference now because we had the doe only gun season. Since they did away with the second shotgun season, the percent gap is gonna jump big time in a couple of weeks. I'm sure they'll blame it on the fact that people didn't take advantage of the doe only season when in...
  9. nis1

    Looking for new arrows. Suggestions?

    Easton full metal jackets. Expensive as all heck but the most accurate and most durable arrows on the market in my opinion.
  10. nis1

    Locked Down

    They aren't locked down, the bigger guys know what does are gonna come in first so they stick around em. Bucks are seeking and chasing hard though.
  11. nis1

    Youth Compounds?

    The mission craze is such a sweet little bow. I bought one for my girlfriend a while back. She can shoot it, then I can adjust it in 2 minutes and I can be shooting it. Accurate, smooth, and quiet.
  12. nis1


    I've never used this kit but I have mounted some deer. It's not that difficult but it's a long process. I love mounting fish, they're simple...deer, not so much. It might be your thing though and it's a good learning experience!!
  13. nis1

    Ohio Whitetail Bag Limit Survey

    Summit: 2 Stark: 2
  14. nis1

    If I had the power

    Yea, I'm not diggin the two buck thing either. But with the new check in system, everyone's checking their bucks in as does anyways so it might not matter.
  15. nis1

    Deer densities observations

    It's definitely patchy but its the decreasing numbers over the last few years that people are concerned about. Three years ago I would see deer nearly every time out on the property I hunt, now I'm lucky to see one. I've been hunting there's five years now and the property itself hasn't...
  16. nis1

    Ohio 2012 Gun Harvest Down 3.7% from 2011

    I figured it would be down. When there's less deer, less deer get killed. But the dnr will keep saying there's the same amount of deer year after year.
  17. nis1

    Hunting Pressure Observations?

    I don't know where everyone is. I heard 3 shots opening morning. Saw a button the first morning and that was it.
  18. nis1

    Anyone know anything?

    In the stand before daylight, had a button buck 30 yards away begging me to shoot him but I'm holding out for a nice doe. Went to get a bite to eat and now im back in the stand. I don't know if there's a lack of deer or a lack of hunters but I've only heard 3 shots so far today. Not...
  19. nis1

    Division of Wildlife discussed potential changes to Ohio deer herd management strateg

    Who votes first two weeks of November for an antlerless only gun season?
  20. nis1

    State Land

    Check out Valley Run Wildlife area. I haven't actually hunted it but I've walked it a couple times. Pretty steep terrain but a lot of good turkey and deer sign.