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  1. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Shot 2 in Summit County when I lived out there. Saw way more fox than anything though and pretty sure blacks are mostly a variant of gray squirrels. Got a few pin drops in the Allegheny National Forest if your ever willing to drive for one lol. I prob shot a dozen or so when I lived up there.
  2. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    GPS Coordinates Please :cool:....Forget stealing credit card info I need an app to pull GPS Coordinates to find where ya'll are hunting lol. Better yet when more wireless trail cam units become popular build an app that somehow taps into everyone's within a radius than is able to extrapolate...
  3. PA Bandit

    Remote Control Decoys

    Does it make calls? Now all they need is somewhere to put the fox pro inside it or some other electronic game call.
  4. PA Bandit

    Public property potential

    Buddy of mine shot one that broke its skull plate fighting. Nice 9 point but the whole left antler was dropping below its jaw. Craziest thing I have ever heard supposedly there was none fragments embedded in it brain tissue cant figure that one was more than one or two fights away from dying.
  5. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Caught one in a trap like 15 years ago. It was froze to death when I found it. Have had it in the freezer ever since to get mounted. One of the coolest things to see in real life although been waiting for the day I see one of these fishers.
  6. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    I used to live it Summit to...Wadsworth. Almost bought a house in Clinton but ended up taking a job back in Pa. Wish I wouldn't have left as I had access to some great property out there and we really liked Ohio
  7. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Noticed the same thing around my parts. Most the normal scrape spots have close up. It has me a bit worried. Was looking for some fresh sign today around noon and found 2 sets of nice bucks bedded down with lone doe.
  8. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    My old boss had a decent farm in Marshallville. Beautiful area and quaint little town. Always said I was going to move there if I stayed in Ohio. Good luck sounds like your on to some nice bucks.
  9. PA Bandit

    Anyone hunting Fall Turkeys?

    Bust em up and call them back in...fall Turkey hunting is actually a lot of fun because not so focused on killing a long beard. In Pa they opened it to rifles which is total game changer.
  10. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Had a 5 pt chasing a doe on and off from about 4:45 to 5:45 yesterday then they disappeared. Right at dark a good 8 point came in running a doe all over. I would have probably shot him as he looked to be 3.5 years old but didn't matter anyway it was to dark and I couldn't see my pins. He walked...
  11. PA Bandit

    Show them to me!

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to post a picture. I have seen quite a few other wild turkeys taken with similar characteristics that fit what is typically referred to as "Color Phase" or "Smoke Phase" traits so my guess would be it similar to the others was just a wild bird that experienced...
  12. PA Bandit

    Hope my season isn’t shot

    And women lol....
  13. PA Bandit

    Hope my season isn’t shot

    Sometimes wish all bucks had pretty much the same rack. Society has become so indulged in the antler craze which drives a lot of this and quite a bit of other problems in the overall scene. As many good ethical hunters as there are it only takes 1 bad actor like this and it gives bad light to...
  14. PA Bandit

    Hope my season isn’t shot

    That's some messed up shit right there. What's even more screwed up is whoever did it didn't even attempt to hide the evidence based on your description. That shows some real balls which suggests to me that this is prob one of many. We struggled with this issue around my parents in Pa. Seems...
  15. PA Bandit

    How old is everyone in here

    28 for what it's worth.
  16. PA Bandit

    Phil's 2018 buck

    That thing is an absolute giant. The grey on his face will make for an awesome mount assuming that is the route you go. I could never imagine what it's like to see something like that while in the stand let alone consider giving em the pass. Congrats on a stellar buck!
  17. PA Bandit

    2018 Rut Report, County & Conditions

    Since I didn't buy an Ohio license this year have to spend Sunday's scouting in Pa. Found a few decent rubs.
  18. PA Bandit

    Anyone else hear yet?

    That is a hell of a deer for Pa. Really cool you had plenty of pictures of him before too. You hunt down in Washington right or where you Beaver like me couldn't remember. Didnt see this on huntinpa yet I'm sure those guys would love to see this stud😃
  19. PA Bandit

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Congrats...my son was born in Akron General a few years back when we were living in Wadsworth. Place is sketch af don't leave the building at all. The hospital was surprisingly nice but as soon as you get a block in either direction it gets pretty bad.
  20. PA Bandit

    Show them to me!

    Not to dig up an old pic but is that picture on the right of the skull mount (i.e. the one with a black lab in it) of a turkey? Would love to see pictures of it if so as that thing looks absolutely gorgeous from a color phase.