Joe, I think we need a pay it forward Thread. I have a lot of stuff I no longer need and dont like the flea market crowd. With things being as hard for some as they are now, Someone may have something someone else could use . Just a thought.
You poor guys, My wife plans 2 weeks of her vacation for opening day for deer and opening day for turkey. I think she looks forword to it more then I do now.
I have removed 21 coon out of gardens in the last 4 days . The 2 stinkers and 1 ground hog was extras. Now the work starts tomorrow. I have 3 coyotes I need to remove from the village.
I have 2 Shakspear reels that are way to big for the fishing that I do. 1 is a Shakspear Tidewater 30 LA and the other is a Shakspear Tidewater 30LC with a line counter. $65 shipped.
Ruger is coming out with a new pistol, made exclusively in the U.S. of 100% U.S. parts in honor of Senators and Congressmen. It will be named the “Congressman”. It doesn't work and you can't fire it.