Joe, I think we need a pay it forward Thread. I have a lot of stuff I no longer need and dont like the flea market crowd. With things being as hard for some as they are now, Someone may have something someone else could use . Just a thought.
Joe, I think we need a pay it forward Thread. I have a lot of stuff I no longer need and dont like the flea market crowd. With things being as hard for some as they are now, Someone may have something someone else could use . Just a thought.
Joe, I think we need a pay it forward Thread. I have a lot of stuff I no longer need and dont like the flea market crowd. With things being as hard for some as they are now, Someone may have something someone else could use . Just a thought.
I will see what the rules for the one gun forum one that was going. Basically you put something up. Someone says they will take it but they have to put something up then to be able to claim. I.E.
Diablo says he has 12 white knocks available. Camofry says I'll take it and pay forward two boxes of 12 gauge sluggers.... that sort of thing. If Camofry didn't have anything to pay forward then he couldn't claim it. That sounds more confusing reading it than it is....
Basically trading
I was afraid to say it, but me TOO! :smiley_chinrub:
Lets build on the example above:
Diablo says that he has extra knocks laying around and posts...12 white knocks available.
Camofry wants them and says I will take them and pay forward two boxes of Sluggers.
Then I post and say I want the Sluggers and pay forward two 10/22 mags.
Cotty says I'll take the 10/22 mags and PIF (pay it forward) 10 bottles of Jergens and a sit and spin.
Huck says I will take it and PIF a pair of shorts and a shirt...
and so on and so on...
Ahhh... now I see...
Figures Huck is leaving shirts and shorts.
Hey! I want my Jergens!!! And the sit and spin!!!
Ok, seriously... who pays shipping? Is that worked out?