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  1. camofry

    Gripe thread - pink crap!

    Trees, Bushes and Weeds dont stay green all year.A Turkey will walk thru a punkin patch and even dig up your pretty COLORFUL flowers til one of them moves and spooks it. Not to pull my own chain, But up until last year, I ate,breathed and lived for Turkeys. 47Full fans (3 species) from 9...
  2. camofry

    Persimmon Tree

    PawPaws are a nother good deer crack.
  3. camofry

    Use your facebook for something good

    OK guys, I know a lot of you dont use your facebook much but this is worth looking into. OakSturdy is giving away a neat gun rest that mounts on the tree.As soon as they get 200 people signed up there going to draw for it. This is not one of them " tell your buddys to like our page "crap...
  4. camofry

    Gripe thread - pink crap!

    Turkeys can see color, BUT it does not spook them. There are states that still make you wear Hunter Orange and they kill turkeys all day. Its movement that spooks them.
  5. camofry

    Gripe thread - pink crap!

    Its not the pants that make your butt look big, its your BUTT.
  6. camofry

    Who is your favoite femal country music performer?

    I just found that one on itunes about a week age.lol
  7. camofry

    Who is your favoite femal country music performer?

    I would have to say Alison Krauss
  8. camofry

    Coyotes running deer: Not cool

    Why did you run him off, was you out of arrows? lol
  9. camofry

    Black Lab

    I love Basset hounds. She would probably be more my speed.
  10. camofry

    The Cigar Thread

    If the truth be told, that thing hanging from that guys mouth looks like something I use the pooper scooper on out of the back yard.rotflmao
  11. camofry

    Black Lab

    I am going to pick her up on the 15th. I wonder what the chances are that it will eat my daughters chiuaua.:smiley_clap:
  12. camofry

    Black Lab

    That pic of them setting in the doorway is priceless.
  13. camofry

    Black Lab

    I am thinking I would like to have a companion dog for the house and to ride in the truck with me. I have a chance to save a dog that the owner can no longer keep and just looking for a little info on them. It is a black lab, female (fixed)house broke,loves to ride,loves kids and is a little...
  14. camofry

    FOR SALE Fluteman's Custom Wrist Slings

    I got 3 of them, but I think you forgot to put the luck in mine.
  15. camofry

    Need some prayers TOOZERS

    Done, Sorry to hear that. Focus on the time left,not the end.
  16. camofry

    My Feelings.

    No answer, he deleted me. That is why I am so crushed right now. I just dont see how I can get over the rejection.
  17. camofry

    My Feelings.

    You all thought you was going to hear me spill my guts dident you? I have been told I have no feeling and that is just not true. The feeling I do have, have just be crushed on Facebook cus I was defriended by Roger Raghead. He is so proud cus he just tagged his biggest deer ever. This is his...
  18. camofry

    Scoring Trophies

  19. camofry

    Scoring Trophies

    I have a McPHERson that is 92% let off. The last one made before Mathew went out on his own.