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  1. rooster85

    Building a tower blind

    Anybody here build a tower blind? Been thinking of building one for some time now, it would be nice for those chills NE Ohio late season sits. May start next week, if you've built one post up some pics. Anything you'd change? Add? I'd like room for two people and a heater maybe. Thanks gents.
  2. rooster85

    Evening doe

    Well looks like I'm sleeping in tomorrow!! Dropped a nice doe tonight. I'd about given up up on seeing anything besides turkeys and I was messing with my phone, heard a leaf behind me and there she was at ten yards. More skittish than she should have been this early in the season. She jumped the...
  3. rooster85

    Ladder stands?

    I feel like this may be a dumb question to some but who runs a ladder stand? I'm wanting to put one up so my better half can come sit with me in the evenings sometimes. Any pros or cons?
  4. rooster85

    FOR SALE Release/ arrows for sale

    Selling a Tru Ball Assassin release, very good condition. $50 OBO Six new carbon express maxima 350s with blazer vanes. $80 I can text pics upon request, thanks!
  5. rooster85

    Prayers please

    I dont know that anybody on here has been following the fires in California but we received word this morning that my parents and several aunts, uncles and cousins had been evacuated last night. My parents lost their home this morning, one uncle lost his home, two cousins maybe a third lost...
  6. rooster85

    Coyote/fox trap?

    Morning everybody, I've got a fox or yote problem on my place, I've lost four hens in the last week and all during the day when I'm gone at work. All my fowl are free range but go into a solid coop at night. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  7. rooster85

    The waiting game.....

    Well, our baby is ten days late so the doc decided we need to be induced. At the hospital now so some time tomorrow ill be a proud daddy to a beautiful baby girl!! In a couple years ill have a hunting buddy probably in pink camo. Lol
  8. rooster85

    Catfish in NE Ohio

    Hey TOOZERS, im trying to locate a spot to catch a few cats in the NE part of the state. Love catching cats and sadly, I haven't been fishing once since I moved out here. Looking to get out and kill some time before deer season. Anybody have any ideas? Or better yet, have a boat with an open...
  9. rooster85

    I heard a rumor....

    And it goes like this, I KNOW SOMETHING!!!! Im sure he'll post up in a min.
  10. rooster85

    Shooting range near Cleveland?

    Im trying to locate a range near Cleveland where i can shoot my muzzy. Everything i find is 25 to 50 feet and im looking for 50 to 100 yards. Any ideas TOOzers? Im willing to drive an hour each way. Thanks guys!
  11. rooster85

    FOR SALE WTS/WTT Mossberg Maverick .243

    Ive got a Mossberg .243 that i haven't used in some time so i figured id see if anybody is interested in it. Put a nice Redfield 3x9 on it. Picitiny bases. Hasn't been shot to death, got it for deer/yotes. Asking $330 As for trades im looking for a 20 ga slug hunter and a CVA Scout .44 or an...
  12. rooster85

    Happy Birthday Marines!!

    Just wanted to wish my fellow Devil Dogs a happy birthday.
  13. rooster85

    What a day

    Hunted my south stand all morning until it got to windy. Didn't see anything there so i moved locations to where i had a few nice bucks on camera. Got to my tree and apparently my stand grew legs and wandered off. The climbing sticks were content with their location and they stayed. What a day...
  14. rooster85

    New photos

    I pulled my cameras saturday but didn't have a way to check them until i got home. Tons of turkeys, a few bucks i hadn't seen and does. And this guy here looks like he was shot so sometime before, maybe last season. Ive got a stand in this location but hadn't run a camera here until a few...
  15. rooster85

    Hit a doe

    Hey guys, its raining pretty good here but i decided to head out anyways. Got to my spot where a buck busted last night and as soon as i sit down a doe walks out. Perfect broadside 20 yard shot, hear it hit then i gave her some time. She ran down a draw thick with trees and brush of course. I...
  16. rooster85

    Todays lesson

    Well today i learned several things while checking out the property in Indiana i'll be hunting. 1. Setting up a ladder stand isn't as easy by yourself, even though it may look easy. 2. Kicking trespassers off one side of the property means they will return to the OTHER side and set tree stands...
  17. rooster85

    Salt Fork Archery Hunt

    Anybody hunted this before? I will be heading out there as soon as i have the time just to check out the area but any tips are appreciated.
  18. rooster85


    Who's getting excited about chasing some tasty bushy tails this year? I enjoy hunting squirrels almost as much as deer, its almost like a step back in time to my childhood running through the mountains with a .22 and a peanut butter sandwich. Not a care in the world and certainly no electronics...
  19. rooster85

    Urban zones

    Anybody hunt an urban zone? I unfortunately live in an urban environment so i was thinking it might be beneficial for me to try and locate some land to hunt closer to home so i don't have to drive to Dresden on my days off. Who has some input on urban zones? Thank you.
  20. rooster85

    Hog pic

    Here's a sow I shot last year in CA before I deployed to Afghanistan. Dropped her in her tracks with a .30-06 high shoulder shot on the run at 115 yards. Hunting a friends ranch outside Santa Barbara about an hour or so. I'll try and get some more hog pics up for yall.