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  1. cotty16

    The Wussification of America

    With all of the political correct BS that is being spewed everywhere, I thought we could post up examples and frustrations here over the "wussification of America". We have had the Clorado gun control thing lately where ladies are given advice to piss themselves instead of pack heat. Now...
  2. cotty16

    Landowner gave a few gifts

    These aren't recent finds, but the landowner flagged me down today as I was leaving from putting minerals out and asked if I wanted some sheds he found in the past. They are all 6 years old or better, but I jumped at it. Also, the mount in the middle is a buck he shot about 8 years ago. He...
  3. cotty16

    Beagle Breeding

    I'm putting a little feeler out there to see if anyone has any male beagles, or knows anyone that has any, that may be interested in breeding with my female. Right now I have her scheduled to be spayed, but I am really on the fence with this one for a couple reasons. 1. She is showing signs...
  4. cotty16


    Just read an article in the latest issue of Bowhunter magazine about how chestnut trees are making a comeback and how deer prefer chestnuts over any acorn. It said the trees were abundant from Maine to Florida and throughout the Ohio valley. They were wiped out by a fungus called "chestnut...
  5. cotty16

    3rd Annual TOO Archery Shoot - July 26-27-28

    As we put together plans for get togethers, I thought I'd start a thread about the summer archery shoot forthis year. The one at Crooked Run last year was a blast and was curious if we were doing the same place. Any tenative date? I'd like to gets omething marked down because of it being...
  6. cotty16

    Covert Scouting Camera MP6

    I wanted to post a small review about the Covert MP6 camera I won from the Monster Raxx trail cam contest. I felt obligated to do this review because the camera is the best I've used. I have 2 other brand name cams. I won't name them because I'm not here to slam any other brands and quite...
  7. cotty16

    Eastern Ohio Hunting and Fishing Expo

    My cousin who lives in Sherrodsville just passed this link on to me. Thought some of you might be interested. Looks like a good time and helps a good cause. http://www.eosportscomplex.com/expo/
  8. cotty16

    Before, during, or after snow?

    Just got some good news for tomorrow. School cancelled because we are supposed to get hammered starting around 9am. I'm gonna take advantage and put some seat time in. I have my thoughts on the best time during inclement weather, but what are your thoughts? Do you see more action before a...
  9. cotty16

    Trip to Cabelas

    With the wind whipping and not much to do outside, Kody and I decided to go to Cabelas and spend his gift card money on his first official deer hunting bow. He picked out a PSE Rally. We also ran into Ron (FullBore) and shot the shit for awhile. Good seeing ya buddy!
  10. cotty16

    Muzzy season updates

    Figured I'd start a thread for all updates for the 4 day muzzy season. I plan on doing some still hunting in the morning until I need to get back for my boys' basketball game at 10:30. I'll have the in-line in the morning. Then I'll be trading the in-line for the Hawken for the afternoon...
  11. cotty16

    Full Metal Jacket

    Today is the last day of our winter break. I sit down for a minute a flip through the channels. Full Metal Jscket is on! Sweet!!! No kids in the room, I put it in for a bit. I catch it at the point where Pyle flips out for the last time. The next scene is in Nam and the hooker starts...
  12. cotty16

    Muzzy misfire question

    On Sunday, while trying to move some deer for Kody I slipped down a steep bank. Of course, I banged the gun off the ground and was worried the scope might be off. When we finished, Kody "unloaded" the gun and missed the target he was aiming at. I think he rushed the shot, but regardless, he...
  13. cotty16

    Found a dead head today

    I was doing some walking today trying to still hunt and get some deer moving for Kody and came across this one. I'm sure I have trail cam pics of him. I'll have to do some digging. I also walked up on Jagger but only saw rack and butt. Sneaky fella...
  14. cotty16

    Be safe this holiday season!

    I would like to share a personal experience with all of you about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over the years. A couple of days ago, I was out for an evening with...
  15. cotty16

    Attention Hoytmania, Aholdren, and Finelyshedded

    Inspired by Austin and my lack of being able to remeber what the hell I was doing after a few beers at the TOO hunt, I have picked my guitar back up. Be prepared next year to be belting out everything from Tesla to Eric Church to Charlie Daniels. I'm back in the game baby!!!:banana:
  16. cotty16

    Blake Shelton goes hunting

    Just in case you missed his Christmas special last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4bPB3c7qaM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. cotty16


  18. cotty16

    WTB Cheap trail cam

    I'm looking for anyone who might want to unload a cheap trail cam that does the bare minumum, but is somewhat reliable. It will be placed in a area that could be seeing someone with sticky fingers. Lol I already had one stolen in the vicinity, but am hoping to put this one in a less visible...
  19. cotty16

    Any pheasant recipes?

    I got one suggestion from Badger and I'll use it for two of the breast I got, but I have two more that need done and was hoping to try some variety. Does anyone have a good pheasant breast recipe?
  20. cotty16

    Thanksgiving Pheasant Hunt

    My dad, Kody, Klay, and myself hit the field today with my cousins and a few freinds to hunt some pheasants released at Mingo Sportsman. Kody was able to cash in going 2-2 on his shots reaaching his limit quick. Klay had an assist on Kody's second bird nailing it on the way down. Lol It was...