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  1. cotty16

    The evils of trail cameras

    I've been running 2 trail cameras on the private property I hunt for 3 years now. This year, they've been out since June so I could gauge antler growth and, obviously, movements. In the past I've had at least 2 shooters on the property to pursue per year. A "hit list", if you will. This...
  2. cotty16

    Wish I was in the woods...

    Since misery loves company, I figured those of us who can't hunt these beautiful mornings could use this thread to vent their frustrations. I watched a nice 8 point run a doe around the field behind my house in that nice frosty backdrop and just shook my head.
  3. cotty16

    If you had to pick 2 days...

    I'm on the fence here and need some help based on your observations... I have 2 personal days to use. Do I use them Thursday and Friday or do I use them Friday and Monday? Those are my options. Based on rut observations, what do you guys think? My buddy keeps texting me and says he's...
  4. cotty16

    I know sumptin'... again! (this one's worth it)

    Oh yeah!!!! You guys will like this one.
  5. cotty16

    I know sumptin'

    Just got a text from a fellow TOOzer that he dropped one in the rain. Any guesses?
  6. cotty16

    Ahead of the front?

    The weather forecast for today (Friday, Oct 26) is high of 70. The winds will be out of the SW then progressively changing from the West then from the North by 4:00pm. The chance of rain is 30% starting at 7:00pm. We all have heard of the cold front set to buzz through tonight and linger...
  7. cotty16

    Services Quad Bay

    Anyone ever hear of www.quadbay.com? I was shopping on eBay for a quad to replace the one I sold and this site came up. Sure seems too good to be true with their prices.
  8. cotty16

    Careful back there...

    What is going on behind this dude in this picture??? Any guess? http://www.dnr.ohio.gov/wildlife/dow/Photos/PhotoDetailHorizontal.aspx?m=&Gallery=Hunting&SubGallery=Deer&page=1&count=12&id=33678&pos=4
  9. cotty16

    Is this Jagger?

    I have my thoughts, but I'll see what you guys think... Last year one of the bucks on my hit list was Jagger. This year, I haven't gotten him on camera yet, but this guy looks very similar. The first pic is Jagger. The second is from a camera this year in a very close location to Jagger's...
  10. cotty16

    Huntn2 (Nayden) vs. Paul Ryan

    Anyone else think that Nayden is gunning for deer, turkey, and office?
  11. cotty16

    Hey Brock

    Your inbox is full!!! Time to take out the trash ;)
  12. cotty16

    Strouds Camping Checklist

    I thought maybe we could do a list of who's bringing what or nominate guys bring certain things. Also, some more experienced campers maybe could chime in on what NOT to forget for cold weather camping. I have a turkey deep fryer and propane tank I can bring. I will also be bringing some...
  13. cotty16

    2011 Arctic Cat 550

    Does anyone know anything about the 2012 Arctic Cat 550 quad? I found a good deal on one and was thinking about selling my Brute Force to get it. I've had some overheating issues with the Brute Force and I'm kind of sick of dealing with it. This is exactly what the quad looks like:
  14. cotty16

    Cotty's Hunt Journal

    First day out was Sunday morning (30th) and Klay (10)was able to bag his first deer, a 4 pointer. In the evening, I sat in a stand on my own and my dad took my other boy, Kody (12)to a blind. I had a 4 point offer me up a chip shot. Too bad it wasn't a target buck that strolled in. My dad...
  15. cotty16

    Hoyt vs Mike Singletary

    Can anyone tell me what Steve (Hoytmania) and Mike Singletary have in common?
  16. cotty16

    Homework Assignment

    Yesterday, during science I decided to give a little biology lesson about what deer like to eat. We discussed apples vs pears... white oaks vs red oaks, etc... So, I told the kids that anyone who had any of these things in their yards and weren't using them (apples, pears) feel free to bag...
  17. cotty16

    Klay's First Deer

    I'm a happy dad today! My 10 year old shot his first deer today. It wasn't a monster, but he is fired up. Story to come later...
  18. cotty16

    These cool mornings...

    These cool mornings have been driving me nuts! I think I'm in rut. How nice would it have been to be in a treestand this morning? I just hope this weather sticks around. Forecast is a high of 50 degrees on Sunday??? Why can't this be opening weekend?!?!?
  19. cotty16

    ATTN: Hard Rock / Hair Band fans... (Tesla)

    You might like some of the videos I took last night at Stage AE in Pittsburgh of Tesla. They put on an outstanding show. Reb Beach opened and he was great as well. Reb Beach played stuff from Winger, Dokken, and Whitesnake. I didn't record him, like a dummy. Anyway... here's some videos...
  20. cotty16

    Hey White Suga

    Hicks, I found your Louisiana lady in Daytona at the surf shop. She said to tell you hello.