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  1. C

    Live from the stand!

    Finally got moved to the new house. My 8-year-old daughter couldn't wait for me to go hunt once we got settled. She got me up this morning and we bundled up and headed out. We saw 2 doe but no shot and then she got cold and we headed in. I was thinking about getting out tonight but had too...
  2. C

    late season meat

    Congrats on the doe! I get down to GA for training every couple of years. Last time I was down there was Summer '14. Played golf with a couple of hunters who told it just the way you said. I was over in Augusta and they said you just can't find deer with any size at all because of the...
  3. C

    Live from the stand!

    Sounds like lots of action! Congrats for all on the success! I got out at about 4 yesterday. Climbed in the stand and immediately froze solid. Thought about getting right back down but then had 15-18 run in while I was thinking. Problem is they stopped 6 feet on the wrong side of the...
  4. C

    Live from the stand!

    Congrats! Sounds delicious!
  5. C

    Live from the stand!

    I can't see the pic but congrats! Way to stay persistent. I just moved to Wooster a few months ago. Seems like a great area!
  6. C

    Live from the stand!

    Hoping I can get out soon. Been swamped at work and getting ready for a move. Good luck to all who get out over the next few days!
  7. C

    Live from the stand!

    Out with my bow last night. Saw 2 does but no shot. Had 2 hours worth of driving around NE Ohio this morning and saw a lot of movement in fields. Wish I could get out this weekend, but I have to work. Hoping to get a hunt or two in early next week.
  8. C

    Live from the stand!

    No comments in a couple days... Is anyone getting out?
  9. C

    Cutting the Cord: Eliminating cable or satellite...

    I think it was the 50 but it was 8 months ago so I'm a little fuzzy on details. I know that it was amplified. I'm pretty confident that we are just too far out of range and the terrain doesn't help. I'm in Wooster, about 45 minutes SW of Akron and an hour S of Cleveland. I used to work in RF...
  10. C

    Cutting the Cord: Eliminating cable or satellite...

    We moved from the Cincinnati area to rural NE Ohio (Wayne County) earlier this year. I've had a heck of a time finding someplace to hunt (surrounded by farmland/woodland, but no permission because I just don't know anyone yet), but that's for another thread. When we moved we took the...
  11. C

    2016 off to a good start!!

    Outstanding January buck! Congrats!
  12. C

    I Know Something!!

    Congrats! Great lookin' buck, especially for January!
  13. C

    Hate watching em

    Growing up my best friend was Shawnee and his dad was one of the Elders. I learned a lot from their traditions and it instilled a respect for all life from a very early age. I have no hesitation at all about taking a good shot when I have the opportunity, but I always take a moment for...
  14. C

    Live from the stand!

    Stuck vehicle will ruin a hunt every time, especially right next to the stand! To y'all hearing voices telling you to go hunt: don't let anyone tell you that hearing voices is bad. They're fine as long as they keep giving you good advice!
  15. C

    Live from the stand!

    Heard two shots before 8:30. Nothing since. At work now.
  16. C

    Live from the stand!

    Got out this morning. Moved to Wayne County, OH a few months ago and was only able to get permission on a small piece that backs up on a big piece. Saw deer running across the road in front of my truck on the way into the property but the only thing I saw during my hunt was a trespasser...
  17. C

    Live from the stand!

    Sounds like you guys are seeing some action the last few days! I haven't been out much, we're currently getting ready to move. I'm buying a house that has a pasture out back and some woods behind that back up on another 200 acres of woods. The seller said that I could put up stands before...
  18. C

    Live from the stand!

    Hey guys. I've been quiet for a couple months. My wife hurt her knee and I've been taking care of her when I'm not at work. She's doing a lot better so I'm hoping to get out a lot more often for the rest of the season. I did manage to get out a couple of times and tag 2 nice does but still...
  19. C

    Live from the stand!

    Hey guys, I'm back after a long hiatus (not that I was very active before, but I always wanted to be...). Got a short-notice PCS from SW Ohio to NE Ohio early this year and my head hasn't stopped spinning. I was hoping to have something to show y'all but my wife hurt her knee and I haven't...
  20. C

    Live from the stand!

    Front just hit. Cloud cover and a 5-10 degree drop in temp. Just saw the world's fattest squirrel...