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  1. Big_Holla

    First day of Retirement

    Freaking awesome to hear this Dan!! Huge congratulations to you!! Enjoy and don’t slow down!!
  2. Big_Holla

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year
  3. Big_Holla

    Found unicorn property

    How cool is this?!? Cannot wait to see more! Congrats!
  4. Big_Holla

    Something to do with leg shanks

    No idea, that's about the only thing that has kept me from trying. Well that and not killing any deer lately LOL! I remember the tallow sticky fat taste we got from deer ribs as we ate them when cooled. Fuggin nasty and couldn't handle anything like that again.
  5. Big_Holla

    Something to do with leg shanks

    Ran across this today. I know several of you already do this.
  6. Big_Holla

    It’s down!! Isaac got his first archery buck!

    Awesome write up and great memories for you all!!
  7. Big_Holla

    Mornin' geezer!

  8. Big_Holla

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas
  9. Big_Holla

    Super Sale Deals

    Rocky sale ad in my email for today only. The set for $89 https://www.rockyboots.com/12-days-of-bootmas/day-11/?attn_pos=1&utm_campaign=2024-1223-RB-bootmas-HW00225%2FHW00226&utm_source=attentive&utm_medium=email&externalId=bxlED&__siteDate=20241223
  10. Big_Holla

    FLORIDA HOG HUNT 2024-2025

    OK which one is going to try this?! https://www.facebook.com/share/r/g8gMfpufDnKEYXBD/
  11. Big_Holla

    Drones over New Jersey....

    :unsure: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/jp3Ks2PdPngbfGEk/
  12. Big_Holla

    2024- 25 Squirrel hunting competition

    Maybe dice up the long pieces better?
  13. Big_Holla


    States snowmobiles in the second to last paragraph but I would imagine it applies to side by sides and ATV's too.
  14. Big_Holla

    Doggone good dog thread

    Sorry to hear Kevin! Always seems to be this time of year.
  15. Big_Holla

    Live from Louisiana

    Probably committed suicide being that fat in the southern heat!
  16. Big_Holla

    Drones over New Jersey....

  17. Big_Holla

    Drones over New Jersey....
