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  1. H

    Is this how you stay warm on the ice?

    Been awhile….
  2. H

    FOR SALE Zeiss binoculars

    Who needs some higher end binoculars for hunting season? I came into some Zeiss binoculars, and they are nice. Of course I've got to pay for the 4 shopping carts filled of stuff I bought so I can't keep it all. All new in box. At worst they have been opened and someone (me) looked thru...
  3. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    We've been traveling like mad since I got back from the outing. My bike and gear are still mud covered. Had a blast. Thanks everyone for great food, spirits, shit giving, and an All American good time.
  4. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Anyone interested in the table saw or tile saw? I'll be leaving them at home as space is at a premium...
  5. H

    Mingo Roll Call

    Rainbow flag on the Subaru. 55 gallon drum of lube strapped to the side of the bike trailer. I'm ready. Phil, I got you a fabulous shirt! I'll be wearing this one for trading table time.
  6. H

    Summer Shoot Food Thread

    Would you guys like some side dishes? I can make this sweet pepper, corn, garlic dressing couscous dish that's pretty awesome cold..... Do we need half and half or extra heavy cream for coffee?
  7. H

    Summer Shoot Food Thread

    I sent you a gift of cash.
  8. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    I'll probably be there Noon-2ish on Friday. I've arranged a kid sitter, so I'll be packing up after I drop them off mid morning. Hope I can fit all my gear, cooler, guns, and trade table stuff in the Subaru. That RTIC cooler is huge, but I think it will be much needed.
  9. H

    Mingo Drawing

    I'll have two 8oz jars of Houseofmoto made maple syrup from this year, 4 boxes of 12 gauge shot shells, and two new knives for the drawing. That should make 8 people happy. I can grab some 20 gauge shells if you guys want some in the drawing too.....
  10. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    Nuts. That section had a lot of fun parts. Still many places to ride there though. That I'm grateful for...
  11. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    How much are you needing per person?
  12. H

    Mingo Roll Call

  13. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    Are we still able to ride into that valley with the stupid long and steep hill climbs?
  14. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    Let me know how many gallons of race gas to bring Phil. Found a place by me with 110 VP for under $8 a gallon. We will make the woods smell great again with the wonderful aroma of freshly burned castor oil and high test fuel.
  15. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    What are you other guys bringing?
  16. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Pretty sure I do.....mp450 x 3 for you. Much appreciated.
  17. H

    Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017

    Current weather at our camping location per the new app my wife put on my phone.
  18. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    I think I'm out, :smiley_blackeye: but I'll double check. You'll get first dibs if anyone decides they don't want the one they already claimed.