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  1. H

    2016 Summer Gathering - Mingo Sportsman Club - July 22-24

    So, if I've been following along correctly we should bring: Box of clays Firewood Coffee Shotgun, rifle A few boxes of Ammo Outdoor related stuff to sell/trade Dirt bike/quad Am I missing anything besides basic camping gear?
  2. H

    2016 Summer Gathering - Mingo Sportsman Club - July 22-24

    We can always scout it out Phil. I've ride some pretty nasty scary stuff that most people avoid. I call it fun! :smiley_bril::smiley_blackeye:
  3. H

    2016 Summer Gathering - Mingo Sportsman Club - July 22-24

    Not bring your dirt bike? Gheesh man. I'll see if I can come just to ride with you and shake off the cobwebs. Does my bike need an OH sticker from the DMV to ride here?
  4. H

    Heard you guys like to shoot guns and ride off-road.........new guy here.

    Met him racing years ago. Is it bad I let him sleep in my home a few months ago? Knew I should have made him sleep in the yard! :pickle:rotflmao
  5. H

    Heard you guys like to shoot guns and ride off-road.........new guy here.

    Friend of mine, hickslawns, kept talking about this site. Stories of get togethers with some range time, off road riding, and piles of meat from the smoker made me think, I gotta check this place out. Then, I think I met CJD3 today via hickslawns and figured I'd better sign up. Me - hunter...