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  1. H

    Rifle Scope Question

    Good glass makes a huge difference, hence better glass = more money. I notice a huge difference between cheaper optics and more expensive when you get to 200+ yards. Figure out what you need your optic to do, then look at your budget and shop accordingly. Try to look thru a lot of different...
  2. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Anyone have an extra Magpul flip up rear sight? I've got BRD bad and put together another rifle, just because.......
  3. H

    DEAL H&R Pardner pump 12 gauge 22" rifled iron sight barrels $52 @ Gander Mtn by me...

    If you have an H&R 12 gauge Pardner Pump (or IAC Hawk), Gander Mtn Twinsburg, OH has about 4 barrels left for $52 OTD each. 22" 2 3/4" or 3" rifled barrels with iron sights. Heck of a deal if you have that shotgun. Those barrels are like vaporware, as you about never see them for sale. My...
  4. H

    Mingo Drawing

  5. H

    Mingo Drawing

    I'll toss something from my pile of stuff into the drawing.
  6. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    If you were asking me, I've still got that Mossberg stock combo.....
  7. H

    Who's bringing what to mingo....

    Anything you guys need me to bring that's lacking so far?
  8. H

    DEAL AR deal

    Won't disagree. I just like having one. It's nice when you want to quietly chamber a round rather than slamming the bolt forward after releasing the charging handle. Still a good deal if you need an AR or a spare. Appreciate the heads up.
  9. H

    DEAL AR deal

    That is a buy it now smoking deal! Carpenter 158 bolt, H buffer. Delton is GTG. Hope some of you jump on that! I just bought another upper and a rail, or I'd be ordering 2 of those to stash away. Errrr.....may not be as great as I thought. No forward assist, no front sight base, it's...
  10. H

    AR Pistols... What's the point?

    Your FFL should mark the stripped lowers as OTHER. You can then build it as whatever you like. REMEMBER - IF A STOCK IS EVER PUT ON A FIREARM, ITS THEN CONSIDERED A RIFLE IN THE EYES OF THE BATFE.
  11. H

    AR Pistols... What's the point?

    I "think" you could pin a suppressor on a shorter barrel to get your 16"+. However, I'm not a legal expert - so don't take that as advice. Currently you can have a shorter barrel than 16", but you have to have a pinned/welded extended brake/flashhider/muzzle projection piece to get you to the...
  12. H

    AR Pistols... What's the point?

    Great question! Some reasons why: 1. If you have your CHL, you can legally carry an AR pistol loaded in your vehicle. Can't do that with a rifle in OH. Nobody says you gotta build or buy super short pistol. You can always build a 12"-14.5" barrel. 2. Lots of guys build pistols while they...
  13. H

    AR suggestions

    The Ruger has been as low as $450 shipped from Palmetto State Armory (PSA). If you have an FFL that you can ship to, watch for that deal. You'll save a ton on sales tax. I like the CHF (cold hammer forged) barrel that you get with the Ruger. They also have fantastic customer service if...
  14. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    I think I've got all the claimed items noted in the original ad posts. I also noted some MBIs - Might Be Interested. I will bring those items to Mingo for the trading tables. Keeping track - Giles noted some items he was bringing on page 1, post #6. I don't think we had anyone else...
  15. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Ontario Rat 1 off the top of my head. Black handles. It's a beefy bladed folder. I'll try to get a pic up of one I kept tomorrow.
  16. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Unfortunately I do not. Maybe someone else coming happens to have some laying in their parts bin........
  17. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    The Suspension pair open like a Leatherman. I.E. you use two hands to open. The MP450s open one handed. You depress two small lock release buttons and slide the pliers head forward. They are pretty neat.
  18. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Done. All Fiskars hatchets and axe have been claimed. Thanks guys!
  19. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    Hopefully I can keep editing the original post and I'll mark who has claimed which items. J I have you marked down. Thank you!
  20. H

    Mingo buy/sell/trade table thread

    The Sogzilla is serrated!