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  1. E

    Catfish bait recipes

    I was wondering if anybody had any recipes that worked great for catfish and was cheap.
  2. bigten05

    crappies bass and catfish

    Instead of turkey hunting like I should of last weekend I took some time and hit the water.we caught some good cats saturday night. Prolly 150 bass we kept a few because the place is over populated with them and we need too take some of the smaller ones out there not getten much size on them...
  3. swamp_donkey2012

    catfish tournament

    not sure if anyone was close or knew about it, but there is a catfish tournament in coshocton on july 28th, starts at 6 pm weigh in is at 2am, 30 bucks per team, may weigh in 2 flatheads and 2 channels, for more info you can go to craigslist in the tuscarawas sporting section and there is some...
  4. W

    Catfish tips and tricks to share with beginners.

  5. Bowhunter57

    47# Catfish from a kayak

    I've been pulled around by channel cats that weighed 4 to 6 lbs., but nothing like this guy. Once he sets the hook, it looks like he turned on a trolling motor. Wow! What a ride and what a fish! :smiley_bril...
  6. U

    january catfish and no ice

    not a bad way to start off the 2012 pay lake year , a 15 pound blue cat , this is byfar the latest into winter i have seen no ice on a pond or reservior
  7. T

    catfish bait is on now

    The catawba worms are on now down here. Might have to get a few and do some catin next week while on vacation. Funny thing happened at Lake Erie a couple of years ago. I was talking to a couple of the local guys about the fishing up there, one was even a mate on a charter boat for awhile. When...
  8. U

    blue catfish being stocked in hoover reservior

    yea baby this deserves two dancing pickles :pickle::pickle: Blue Catfish Project Moves to Hoover Reservoir Aug 1 Written by: ODNR Division of Wildlife 8/1/2011 NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 1, 2011 Blue Catfish Project Moves to Hoover Reservoir...
  9. U

    catfish tournament hopedale ohio

    may 7th , 6 pm till midnight , all live bait allowed except carp and bullhead catfish, 20 dollar entry fee with 3 optional slots at 1 dollar a piece , pays out every hour located 15 minutes west of stuebenville and 45 minutes east of cambridge on state route 22 , or contact me for more info ...
  10. U

    first catfish of the 2011 catfishing season

    ive been goin nuts not being able to fish open water , well the lake was completely free of ice today so i went and done did me some catfirshin :)
  11. U

    barkcamp catfish

    couple my ice fishing buddies said the cats have been hitting at barkcamp through the ice on minnows
  12. U

    catfish obsession

    am i the only one on here thats obsessed with these fish like a wise man once said............just saying
  13. U

    first annual TOO catfish outing

    i figure i would get this started early , so we could come up with a date so the most people could come , im hosting a catfishing day at the paylake im affiliated with , cover charge is coverd and so is food and bait , but i need a good idea on how many people will show up so i know how much...