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  1. TripleA88

    Couple Bucks

    Had some good card pulls this week between a buddy and I. Hope they can keep up some type of consistency.
  2. JD Boyd

    Couple nice bucks

  3. MandRroofing

    Couple bucks...

    Pulled cam today and a few bucks on there.
  4. Fluteman

    A couple bucks

    Finally got a camera put out a few weeks ago. Not sure how long I'm gonna run them this year, but I plan on pulling them before the season starts, at least on this farm. Been watching a few nice deer in the afternoons and evenings, and am happy to get a few pictures of them.
  5. Monster Raxx

    A couple of cool pics

    Here are a couple of pics that caught my eye.
  6. ohio mossy oak

    DEAL Couple Light hang ons for 75$ on AT,..Passing it along

    Looks to be a couple of these http://www.locontreestandsllc.com/limit.php Might be worth looking into,275lb weight limit though http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1793193
  7. Rutin

    Couple bucks.....

    Still no shooters tho!
  8. Dannmann801

    Couple of good days at the range

    I'm very frustrated right now because my honey-do's and family schedules and other obligations have been eating my weekends like mad ever since April, and my outdoor pursuits are lagging (but that's a story for another thread). But I have managed to get the range and do a little shooting...
  9. Monster Raxx

    A couple since it is July 4th

    Here are a couple of pics I thought fitting since it is July 4th :) And for Ben Franklin since he wanted this to be the Countries bird :)
  10. MandRroofing

    Couple Pics...

    Its nice to see some growth,Im looking forward to sep 29th already...
  11. RedCloud

    A couple Turkey

    Now we all know we don't have any turkey up here but I did find a few that must have been in the bag of corn :smiley_chinrub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EwTPeAaeeE&list=UUupWLBS53K9R-N7e9kCsO8Q&index=1&feature=plcp
  12. oakswamper

    couple pics

    Since I was posting pics decided to post a couple from the last couple weeks I've seen all these bucks but never all together (there are 4 if you look close) This one should be a nice 1 next year
  13. twireman

    HUGE Moose at a couple steps....

    What an adrenaline rush!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUHylIWl2YQ&feature=relmfu
  14. Longdraw

    A couple bear skulls

    Curran's buddys brought these over too me to clean up for them,the one skull is a tank
  15. Alphamax10

    Couple of Bucks on the property

    Here are some pictures of the bucks we are calling Crab and Niner
  16. Derek j

    couple DIY mounts

    Here are my birds from 2008 and this spring. The bird in 2008 was my first longbeard, and it was 21#'s, 11 5/8" beard, and 1 1/2 spurs. I actually wanted to get a full mount, but could not bring myself to spend 500+. This years bird was 20#'s, 10 1/2" beard, and 1 1/4 spurs. Everything on...
  17. Huckleberry Finn

    Couple of Chucks

    I love a job where you can shoot shit! 2 pup groundhogs shot less than 3 minutes from each other with the farm's 10/22 which I've never shot before today. I shot the first one in the left armpit and the second one in the other one. I was aiming for chest on both, so I can't say that the gun...
  18. RedCloud

    Seen a couple

    Went down to check the mineral site and seen some strange tracks in the edge of the cornfield. This property has never had birds this early in the year. Usually they don't show up until mid summer and are gone again by bow season. Went on into the woods and see 2 deer shoot out the...
  19. deerjunkie

    A couple more cool ones

    Deer sure do get testy when it's cold out and food is low. I would say that probably left a mark...lol Now this is my new favorite picture....dang this is a good one!
  20. Tree Monkey

    some pics from last couple hunts..

    Here are two pics that I took from stand as the sun rose up with my phone and didn't realize they turned out so good til I got on photobucket tonight......