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  1. MandRroofing

    Wil he Grow fast enough?

    question is......Does this guy have enough time to get some decent growth befor they shed the velvet?
  2. Boarhead

    How fast they grow

    I got these pictures of this buck a couple years ago.He was just getting started on June 28th and the other picture is him on September 12th.It really is amazing how much he grew in 10 weeks.
  3. Boarhead

    Growing fast.

    First pics of the spring.I have 2 cameras out right now and will probably have 6 or 7 out by the middle of June.Should be fun watching them grow.
  4. Bowhunter57

    Fast Cars and...fast passengers.

    I used to race off road (obstacle and rally) and enjoyed watching the reactions of these people. Used to do it myself and it was great fun. Enjoy! :smiley_blink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=D1wmS0Mz8D4...