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  1. huntn2

    huntn2 - 2013 Spypoint Trail Camera Pics/Videos

    Well, I only have 1 camera out so far this year and finally changed out the card for the 1st time today. Had some great videos. Have 2 bucks that are shooters in my book. One is a 10pt and 1 is a 9pt. Then I had the up and commer bucks and regular doe groups on video. One of my favorites...
  2. Diablo54


    Happy Birthday bud:smiley_coolpeace:
  3. huntn2

    huntn2 Spypoint IR6 Pics

    Here are some of my IR6 pics from one property. Had a 2nd IR6 on this property on a trail that didn't produce good pics. I need to switch that one over to video. I have my other 2 on out of state property that Alphamax and I hunt.