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  1. bowhunter1023

    TOO July Buck of the Month: Mike's New Wall Decor

    You can read the full story here: http://www.theohiooutdoors.com/content.php?192-TOO-July-Buck-of-the-Month-Mi
  2. Rutin

    Sarge's 4th of July

    Well he's been gone a month now and I made the 3 hr one way trip up to see the trainer and spend the day with my boy. Force fetch, Collar Conditioning, and OB are done. He's in marking drills now and starting to learn to count by working doubles. He's still a little young on the concept but he's...
  3. bowhunter1023

    TOO July Buck of the Month: Buckmaster and the Buttercup Buck

    The Buttercup Buck Account by: Ben Fashing aka. Buckmaster During the summer of 2010 I had the opportunity to meet Jim and his step son Nick. Jim is in his mid 40’s and Nick is 10 years old. I learned through discussions with Jim that Jim enjoys deer hunting on occasion, mainly shotgun...
  4. Buckmaster

    xmas in july

    My new scope for my TC Encore muzzleloader has arrived. It's a Nikon BDC 300. It's supposed be a 300 yard bullet drop compensating scope. It will be interesting to try this deer season. I may have to change my stategy and sit on top the highest high wall with my range finder and Harris...
  5. bowhunter1023

    Redneck 4th of July - 6 Tannerites

    I spent the better part of the day at my buddies house helping with storm cleanup yesterday, but some fun was still had! We got in to the beer before noon and by 2PM, had decided since we knew what 4 binary exploding targets could do, we needed to know what 6 could do! He bought these at a gun...
  6. Monster Raxx

    A couple since it is July 4th

    Here are a couple of pics I thought fitting since it is July 4th :) And for Ben Franklin since he wanted this to be the Countries bird :)
  7. Thunderflight

    Hang em in July or Sept?

    Considering the fact that I'll only be five hours from home I'm considering hanging some tree stands in July. However, I'll be back to J-town in September (I'm not missing swappers day) so I may just wait until then to hang a few stands. I have two places I want to put them. The first is...
  8. bowhunter1023

    Week in Review: July 31 - August 7

    Not the best week I have had and I'm a little pissed about it. I had a coon run up the tree and turn the BEC on Hippie Ridge early in the week, so it cost me some awesome shots of Captain Jack and Moe together. The picture count was down 50% this week and one cam I was expecting good things...
  9. bowhunter1023

    Week in Review: July 24th through July 31st...

    This was the first check of all 7 cams for me and I have to say, I'm very pleased with the performance of the SpyPoints so far. Although the cams were void of anything special, I was happy to see the trigger speed and the sensitivity of the SpyPoints were very competitive with other cams I have...
  10. T

    Christmas in July?

    Been a tuff day. If I hear turn it on QVC one more time before midnite I'm going to shoot the TV.....:smiley_dead: Everything from toys to lights to candles and even wine, I think the hosts got drunk on that one. I"ve been watching :smiley_bond: movies and during the good parts she comes...
  11. Riverdude

    Happt 4th of July

    Just wanted to say Happy 4th of July to all my brothers of TOO and thank you to all of those that serve our country.
  12. RedCloud

    DEAL MidWay 4th of July promo codes

    To receive your Savings: 1. Add regular price, in-stock products to your cart totaling: $100 or more - Use Promotion Code 171177 $10 off $200 or more - Use Promotion Code 271177 $20 off $300 or more - Use Promotion Code 371177 $30 off $500 or more - Use Promotion Code 571177 $50 off...
  13. bowhunter1023

    TOO July Buck of the Month: Scott Schuster's Late Season Bruiser

    It's time to celebrate another memorable hunt and extraordinary buck harvested by TOO member Scott Schuster. Scott’s unique buck is the largest of his career and a buck we’d all love to have hanging in our Man Room! Congrats to Scott on the harvest of a fantastic whitetail! His story is one of...