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  1. Ohiosam

    Ohio vs PA deer

    Interesting discussion on Huntingpa.com about the differences in bucks between the 2 states. http://www.huntingpa.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1956729&fpart=1
  2. RedCloud

    Clyde, Ohio and Cancer ?

    I just happened across this little article and found it rather sad and thought I would share it with you all. CLYDE, Ohio — Every time his kids cough, Dave Hisey's mind starts to race. Is it cancer? Is it coming back? His oldest daughter, diagnosed with leukemia nearly five years ago when...
  3. Mountaineer

    Ohio 2010..Random pics.

    Gonna post random pics from this season in Ohio..Hope you guys enjoy..
  4. Schu72

    How many Ohio counties?

    I'm curious ....in how many Ohio counties have you harvested deer? I'm at 5. Belmont, Summit, Portage, Geauga, and Ashtabula. I should have in Guernsey and Knox.:smiley_baby:
  5. Bowhunter57

    A blonde in Ohio

    A blonde in Ohio was asked which was closer...the moon or Florida? To which she replied, "Duh! The moon! You can't see Florida from here." :smiley_chinrub: