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  1. M

    public huntin near dayton...

    I am goin to b in dayton oct 19 20 & 21 goin to a concert the 19 and the next 2 days r open to hunting.. I need some good spots to hit while I'm there.. thanks ya'll!!!!!
  2. M

    Public Service Annoucement

    Not sure if this belongs in jokes of a more serious forum. But here goes. Public Service Announcement. Effective Immediately. The term "Nigger Rigged" is absolutely no longer acceptable. You will now refer to it as a "Presidential Solution" Thank You.
  3. D

    Guidance please on where to start looking to hunt on public land near Marion

    Hello, I am from mid michigan where the pure waters flow and the bucks just don't grow!!!I have spent the last 10 years following my kids play high school and college sports all over this country.They are done as of last year and I am ready to come down and explore hunting on pulic land in...
  4. Mike

    GI Joe Public Service Announcements

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ-ckU_D1fg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO8lHGXWMzo&feature=relmfu
  5. Jackalope

    President moves to Push Shooters Off BLM Public Lands

    Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands November 16, 2011 Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by...
  6. B

    Public land for youth hunt question

    New to the site but long time "lurker". I want to bring my son on the youth gun hunt coming up in Nov. What are the best public areas in the Southeast part of the state? And the areas with the least amount of pressure during this hunt? He has shot a few does but has never seen a buck while we...
  7. dante322

    public hunting, medina, portage county.

    been sent to a new job site in wadsworth. I was getting fridays off before, but i have to work monday through friday now. I get off at 3:30 and by the time i get home i only have a little while to hunt, so i would prefer to hunt before i head home. I checked the odnr site but there dosent seem...
  8. ohio mossy oak

    An public apology TOO Milo and everyone on the forum

    I just want to make a public apology TOO Milo for misinterpreting his post he made about the whisker biscuit arrow rest and his pie plate shooter comments..Whether his intention was how I took it or not..I was slightly out of line to respond the way I did...I quite possibly ruined what could...
  9. Jackalope

    How often do you hunt public land.

    . I have an idea for something. Just wondering how often the guys here hunt deer on public land in the state of Ohio. As a percentage of spots you hunt in a season "Public vs Private" what percentage is spent on public land?