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  1. Jackalope

    Spypoint Order.

    All, Recently there has been a considerable interest in doing another Spypoint Camera Purchase. We have an agreement with Spypoint that allows us to purchase cameras at a considerable discount. As per that agreement I can not publicly post the prices. If you would like to purchase a camera...
  2. huntn2

    huntn2 - 2013 Spypoint Trail Camera Pics/Videos

    Well, I only have 1 camera out so far this year and finally changed out the card for the 1st time today. Had some great videos. Have 2 bucks that are shooters in my book. One is a 10pt and 1 is a 9pt. Then I had the up and commer bucks and regular doe groups on video. One of my favorites...
  3. M

    Spypoint IR C camera

    I ran across a Spypoint IR C camera in a auction. Do any of you guys use that model? I see it's not listed on the Spypoint site anymore. Value for it in the box?
  4. Jackalope

    Spypoint firmware updates.

    . I know many of you own Spypoint cams purchased through our group purchase program here. It's getting to be about that time of year where we start thinking about getting the cams cleaned up and ready for duty again. I've decided to make a thread and link to the latest firmware for the cams...
  5. camofry

    WTB SpyPoint IR-5s

    If some of you that are using the spypoint IR-5s are wanting to upgrade this year and want to sell your IR-5s I am interested in buying them. I need 2 to 4 of them. Thanks.
  6. Rutin

    FOR SALE SpyPoint IR-10 for $170

    Today only on openseason.com the Spypoint IR-10 is $170 Heres the link: https://www.openseasons.com/
  7. bowhunter1023

    SpyPoint IR-7 Review

    Thanks to a well timed rain last night, I was able to get out and check a couple of my new SpyPoint IR-7s and let me tell you, these things are awesome!!! I've been running four of the SpyPoint IR-6s for close to a year now and I have been very pleased with the results I have been getting from...
  8. RedCloud

    SpyPoint issue

    Guess I get to try the SpyPoint customer service :smiley_chinrub: Checked cams today and found the cam I have been having issues with for a few months taking IR pics was dead. I thought I just needed to get fresh batteries so I grabbed the cam and left the case hanging. Got home and pulled...
  9. bowhunter1023

    SpyPoint IR-7

    I can do better than this on testing and review, but I'm busy as hell today! It'll have to wait until Monday. This is just a rough nugget from lunch today. Bryan (AKA: Bloody Nock) ordered 4 of these as well and he's stoked to say the least!!! Turn your volume up...
  10. RedCloud

    SpyPoint pics of Redcloud's Deer 2012

    Heading to the apple tree that finally produced some apples this year. Couple of the young studs for the future
  11. Jackalope

    Jackalopes 2012 Spypoint Camera Pictures

    . First cam check of the year.. Both of these cams only had a 10 day soak but i was anxious to see what deer Made it.. I'm pretty sure I have identified the Wide8, 7-UP, and Clyde.. I'm iffy on one I think might be tank, the antlers don't look quite right but the body matches. I haven't seen...
  12. jagermeister

    Gettin' the ball rollin'

    It seems I've been a little behind the 8 ball this spring. Well finally today I was able to run to the feed mill and pick up supplies for the mineral mix. I made it to the woods after work and started two mineral sites... One has a Bushnell TC hanging over it and the other is covered by the...
  13. Jackalope

    DEAL Special Spypoint Camera Bulk Purchase

    . Ok. It's that time of year again where we're beginning to look at putting cameras in the field. TOO has a deal with Spypoint cameras where we can provide awesome deals to you guys in exchange for some promotional things we do for Spypoint. Last year TOO provided over 55 Cameras to it's...
  14. Jackalope

    ATTN: SpyPoint IR-6 Owners.

    . Something you might have been waiting for. Someone get this loaded on a cam and run some tests.. See if it helps improve the grainy pictures in very low light situations. Firmware Version: 2.5 Date: March 1, 2012 Improvement...
  15. M

    spypoint vs reconyx

    i seen alot of you guys use spypoints so i invested in one bout two weeks ago now got about 150 pics wish it had a quicker delay time but so far so good few blurs was wondering if the reconyx is worth the extra $$$$
  16. Longdraw

    DEAL Spypoint pro-x plus trail camera

    $189.99 https://www.camofire.com/
  17. RedCloud

    SpyPoint IR-6 Review

    I wanted to try out a new line of trail cams for this season so I went with 2- SpyPoint IR 6 cams. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised at the ability of these cams. I was able to get these cams in my hands at the end of June 2010 and had them in the field and ready to go starting the month...
  18. jagermeister


    It's strange.... I've ran at least one camera on this property, virtually non-stop, since December of 2009, and I never got a coyote on film a single time. Now all of a sudden, I'm getting them like crazy up near the edge of this hay field. I've never really ran the cams much near this field...
  19. jagermeister

    Bobcat on Spypoint video!

    I couldn't believe my eyes when this came up on my computer screen this weekend... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7HN2JYFUuY
  20. Jackalope

    Another Spypoint Camera Order..

    If you have any questions about the cameras themselves. Please ask them here. Here is the announcement. http://www.theohiooutdoors.com/announcement.php?f=26&a=7