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1023's 2013-2014 Hunting Log


Staff member
It is never TOO early to start these things and considering my season got off to an "official" start this weekend, I figured it was time to turn over a new leaf with the hunting log as well. One of my favorite things about spring is bringing mineral sites back from the dead and/or starting up new ones. This weekend I was able to resurrect my old site which is going in to its 5th season this year. I also started a new site using the Monster Raxx minerals that Tom sent me. Both sites offer cover and water, which I believe are the most important things a mineral site should have. The MR site is close to some of the thickest cover on our farm and will give deer a great view of the creek bottom leading in to the site. My existing site is surrounded by cover, but offers a great view of the creek bottom below. SpyPoint HD-10's are in video mode over each site for the spring/summer and a little bit of corn always helps the deer find them again!

This is the Monster Raxx site...

A view from the camera...

My existing site...

This is from the main trail coming off the bench above...

Part of the fun in doing these projects is getting other people involved. I went after soil samples yesterday and took my little girl on her first Kubota ride! It was a great day to be outside!!!

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Staff member
No doubt about it Mike!

It will suck losing Hippie Ridge and while it would have torn me up in the past, it simply is what it is now. All I can do now is do the best I can with what I have and hope for the best. We don't have a ton of cover on our farm, so it is up to me to provide a smorgasbord of food, make sure we have water, and keep the hunting pressure at a minimum. Future plans include a 16' box blind down in the bottom that will overlook two food plots. My hopes are that by the time Kaydence is old enough to hunt, we have some field tile installed down there and are planting 2+ acres of beans/corn/clover on an annual basis. It'll make for some great gun hunts as long as we still have deer!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
That's good stuff Jesse! Looks like an awesome way to spend some time outdoors, especially with the weekend we just had.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Awesome stuff Jesse! Can't never start TOO soon or make TOO many improvements to your hunting land. You've got a great family to share this with and that pic of them is awesome. Congrats and thanks for sharing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Considering unloading one of the quads for a side by side as well. Probably won't happen soon though. Other priorities got in the way last weekend. Need to unload our camper and see where the finances are, then unload a quad and see how much more I need to cough up.

You are fortunate to have access to the Kubota though. True workhorses from what I hear. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Those are great memories you are building!
Nice to see the minerals getting updated and especially the Monster RAXX! Don't think you'll go wrong there, out of all the mineral pics I have seen over the years that's the brand that seems to keep them coming back on a regular basis, even compared to my old minerals. The side by side really is the way to go any more. Sure wish we had one down at the farm as the kids would enjoy it as much as it looks like your daughter and wife did!!


Senior Member
All my wheeling buddies are now in the 30-40's. Most have transitioned to S/S now. If I had endless funds a Kubota RTV would be in my garage.


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
Jesse, Do you not work the mineral in to the ground? Seems like the deer could eat it up before the rain washes it into the dirt.
I'm thinking I might even add some dirt to my sites this year, My sites have become small ponds.
The deer have been digging the heck out of them lately. Congrats on the new baby.


Staff member
I work them in the ground. I just lightly rake the area with a garden rake once I've put them out. The MR site has 10 pounds of MR and the other site has 15 pounds of my mix...


Staff member
Today was the first movement on my hunting since March 31st when I last checked my cams. No good buck pics, but a decent crop of does. We'll hold off one more year on taking any, but they are holding strong now.

We hung 4 more cameras today. One is over water, 2 are over travel corridors, one on minerals and one on corn. We picked two new stands sites today and managed to clear one of my best access points out. It was completely choked off with dead falls! We need one day to hang stands, two for food plots and I'll be ready for season!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Looking good Jesse! I really wanted to get out and do the same this week before the big storm, but we had family in and I couldn't get away. It stinks to hear Hippie Ridge is gone, but the farm is secure now, so you can do some major work to it and turn it into a deer mecca! You outta get your dad to plant that back hayfield in beans and leave it standing for ya! That would be suhweet!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Its in corn this year! That will be a major game changer!!!

You going to leave it standing through winter? You'd find sheds in and around it for sure plus help them through the rigors of winter if you did. Some great late season action TOO! If you do I'd pick a few pass thru strips about 50 yards apart for blind hunting in late season like the Kiskys,Drurys and Lee/tiff do! Lol...seriously though.


Staff member
I have no idea how it will work out as we did not plant it. I am thinking about asking the guy what $200-300 would buy me to leave some standing. It could really change things as I will tuck a food plot on the inside corner of the woods between the woodline and corn. I'll have to post a map of the area. It completely changes the hunting on our farm for the better!