Put in 7 hours of effort and crossed most of the list off minus planting the pond holler plot. Found some great sign and with the Corner Pocket Plot mowed, I can play the rain and overseed with Green Patch Plus before the next good rain. The clover should recover fairly well and if nothing else, it's a secure opening with browse and I have plenty of shot opportunities.
Red oaks are dropping already and most are loaded. White oak acorns are few and far between.
Found some great buck sign along the ridge. One bed is well used and plays into a new set I hung a while back and finished trimming up today.
Year 2 for this mineral site and they've really taken to it. Moved the cam from here to the ridge where I found the bed and sign. I tied a limb down and started a mock scrape up there too.
You could feel fall in the air today. Was a damn fine morning to be out.