I just saw the movie "bowling for columbine" the other night. If you havent seen it, you should.
The question is, Why do these problems only exist in the U.S.? There are plenty of other countries that have guns, violent movies, violent video games, Heavy metal music.....
The difference is, This country has a reputation of reacting with violence. Shoot first ask questions later. Compound that problem with a goverment that is out for itself and not its people, a frustrated population that is seriously economically divided, A soft justice system where the perpetrater has more rights than the victims, and a media that glamorizes it and forces it in our faces. Take any town in the U.S., At the same time you have some one get murdered, and someone save a dozen children from a burning orphanage. I would bet a paycheck that the murder is the top story,
Winner winner chicken dinner! You nailed it Dante.and you will hear about the orphanage after the commercial.
Its a terrible tragedy. Unfortunately it is becoming an all to familiar story, and to a point. We are becoming numb to these types of things. I agree with the sentiment that there should be no Lengthy trial at taxpayer expense, followed by a long expesive appeal process, again at taxpayer expense. Only to have the guy end up spending the rest of his life on the taxpayer tit. A pay per view execution would save a lot of public money as well as generate revenue that could be donated to the victims families.